
Why are most of the avatars with cowboy hats usually conservatives?

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Are these all the racist southerners who are secluded from society and don't know c**p about politics and just wanna keep drilling for oil while killing thousands of civilians?




  1. Because we have the good sense to stay out of the Sun. It's causing Global Climate Change or whatever you guys are calling it this week.

    Liberals don't.

  2. You know, I've never really thought about it, but I think you may be right.  A lot of people don't want to admit this, but I honestly believe that there are a lot of peole who don't want a Black man running our country.  It's pure hate and ignorance.  They take what they see in the movies and apply it to real life.  Black people aren't all a bunch of hoodlums and gangsters.  That's just how Blacks and Latinos are potrayed in the Media.  I'm half Black and Half Latino.  I take all honors classes, and I'm graduating top of my class.  It's really sad that people dpn't assume that I can do well because I'm brown.  I think a lot of minorities feel like me.

  3. LOL. i have to agree with you. they tend to go Republican because it promise them their guns are safe, and of course the stupid "drill baby drill":

    When will Americans become aware of other energy alternatives that will last long after oil is gone!!  

  4. because they have cowboy mentalities.

    and yes they really believe that they have a god-given right to kill innocents at their whim.

    of course sara palin agrees, poor thing. She also belives that "god" said it was quite all right to invade Iraq and kill over a million people...for want of a natural resource......not our own..

    ah what fools these mortals be, for while some actually believe that god speaks only to them, there's something else far more powerful.

    Its called karma.

    and while it at one time came softly in the night.....knocking ...

    now it kicks doors down, entering at will.

    and taking at will, those who have mistreated others.....


  5. I see Australians with cowboy hat avatars.  Are you a raging bigot towards them as well?

  6. Thats basically the gist of it.

    "Yehaw nasscar!"

    "White power!"

  7. I'm guessing that YOUR avatar has a headband, sandals, and peace medallion.

  8. *laugh*

    that is an extremely stupid question

    and i am extremely stupid to stand here and answer it

    and yeah if you pick out the worst of what conservatives believe in it will look wrong!

    But HEY!

    guess what if i took all the wrong things of the liberals they could sound just doltish as you make conservatives sound.

    And that is just blockheaded thinking.

    ok. im done. =D

  9. because republicans tend to be redneck inbreed buffoons.

  10. They must be the ones that 'cling to their guns and religion'. Are they not sophisticated enough for you because they don't know the difference between a latte and a cappuccino?

  11. because right-wingers have to portray strength on the outside, because on the inside they are just scared, uneducated little kids.

  12. The hat keeps the sun off their heads.  Too many democraps have been in the sun too long.

  13. They might be those guys that dont want half their paychecks to go to taxes so they can support lazy mofos living off government assistance.  

  14. I was with you till the southern part. We all aren't conservatives.

  15. your question is dumb!

  16. I think that cowboys have a keen nose for bull ****.  They figured out the liberals a long time ago.


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