
Why are most on here constapated with seriousness ??

by  |  earlier

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seriously u people need to relax a lil and stop taking life so serious jesus learn to laugh a lil now and again and ull find the majoritiy of ur problems will seen a lil less serious ..... i mean when ur on ur death bed u want to look back and say i enjoyed like and had a laugh at myself and everything or say i was a stuck up cunnttt who better of just getttin a rope and a chair cause im a waste of oxygen




  1. Wow, what a serious question.

    This is better than the usual airhead type.

    Keep it up.

  2. I think you should learn to spell, your English is atrocious.

  3. Most of the answers are from college kids that have just finished their first term of psychology or sociology and pretty much can figure anything out for you. No time for jokes or a light answer, they have a world to save.  

  4. By heck I do like a good question, sadly yours is not one of those.

    Where is your sense of humour......go to the R AND S section if you want a serious question and then flick over to the senior section for a taste of sense of humour.

    When I am on my death bed I hope I will not waste my precious moments thinking about the answers I gave on yahoo.  God forbid.

    At this moment in time I am quite chilled with me mug of drinking chocolate and laughing at your bad grammer.  Cheers...

  5. chill out man, u have waaaaayyyy to much hate in you at the moment!!

  6. Your question is pretty serious

  7. and your point is?

  8. There is no waste of oxygen here.  Only serious contemplation. /

  9. hahahahahahahaha another drunken irishman hahahahhaha

  10. hahahahaha

    im gunna agree with you iv seen some pretty stuck up questions and answers and people do take themselves too seriously.

    check out some of my answers and you might be a little suprised.

    would run down the streets but naked with a hard on screaming shave my nuts and call me brenda.

    that was my answer to someone who asked what would you do if you were the last person on earth and most people put stuff about committing suicide and how horrible it would be.

    so yes i agree with what your saying.

  11. LOL This place lost its sense of humour quite a while back unfortunately.

  12. cuz every knows the answers come from really smart people just like me.

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