
Why are most races labelled by a land of origin, whilst whites are labelled by where they live or other term?

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Other meaning eg "caucasian", or "white"




  1. It does not matter where you come from or wot colour your skin is or were you live we are all in the same boat and it is sinking fast !  Racism is just a word maid by politicians and religiosity gits to make trouble and keep them in a job !

  2. Just 'cause

  3. People have been using different criteria for labeling races since antiquity, including such ideas as head shape, body hair, and odor along with things like skin color.

    In fact, race is simply a creation of our minds and our social systems- there is no biological basis for the an classificatory system of race.  There are human breeding populations, which have VERY fluid boundaries (with exceptions), and beyond that we have our entire species.  There are no subspecies or races that exist between the level of population and species.  The idea of race was abandoned by most biologists oround 40 years ago.  There ARE many species that have discernable subspecies though.

  4. caucasian means from caucus mountains,whats your point?

  5. In most parts of the world [ Africa / Asia, etc. ] whites are "labelled" European, since that's where they originated from !

  6. Caucasian- are from the line of Esau the bible calls you Edomites...... As for Africans they are Hamites... As for Black Americans they are Shemites...

  7. because the world is a racist *****.

  8. Because most whites have such a mixed history. Eg i would be called germanirishfrenchcreoleenglish and thats too much of a mouthfull

  9. cuz we're special hehe jk i don't like being called caucasian it sounds weird

  10. Because most of us white boys are total mutts, with no specific region of origin.

  11. The Caucassus Mountains are in southern Russia & Georgia, on the eastern edge of the Black Sea, the possble origin of where the Caucasian genome branched off from the Asian variety, which migrated East, to Mongolia (Mongoloid), and points beyond, while the Cro-Magnon (Caucasians) headed west, towards Europe, 40,000 years ago...

  12. Well white people historically came from Europe scientists say but because while people have spread through so much of the world and more than any other race they are considered to not have a land of origin. It also may deal with the fact that people believe all races came from Africa which the human genome project followed and proved to be true.

  13. Racism.  Since us white people were the ones who managed to overrun the rest of the world, we got to name stuff.  "White" became the default for the human race, while all other races are variations on this default.  It's the same reason why, for a very long time and even today, "man", as in "mankind", were considered neuter.  Men were the ones who got to do the naming, so of course being male was the default.

  14. Interesting question. What would be your reaction when a blonde haired white man tells you he's Vietnamese? Or a latin-looking woman tells you she's Japanese? You'll be tempted to ask where's their land of origin.

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