
Why are most relatives so mean?

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Why are most relatives so mean?




  1. It is not only  the relatives who are mean. Its the

    human nature to be selfish and mean except a FEW.

    Generally its the relatives who are we most of the  time in

    contact. So we know how they are and their nature.

    This is a universal nature.  You must have read about

    Princess Diana.  What  Queen of Britain did to her.

  2. when people know too much about you they take advantage of that fact.And relatives are emotionally close to us and they also have the power to emotionally hurt us.

  3. Believe me, i have no idea why. It feels like i wanna strangle them. They always  ugggh. i can't describe how hard it is.

    For example:

                       On my dad's side he has 12 brothers and sisters. Yet they're very selfish and they out of USA country. We're only family in USA. But they kept asking for money which my mom wasn't happy and keeping telling my dad to stop. Right now he stopped because he owns a apartment and gave it to my grandma.  She was ill and decided to stay with my oldest aunt. my grandma said to my mom that she can have her apartment. she was so excited because she on traveling alot with my brothers and sisters. the next day my other aunt (who is a *****) stepped on apartment and took over. My parents weren't happy especially my dad! My relative are really screwed up. but i am glad that my family aren't selfish too!

    all i can say is if they bitching me or you, i would ignore them and move on. I know it hard but they don't deserve to have us.

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