
Why are most women jelous of other women?

by Guest66855  |  earlier

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Are women really jelous of each other? Why do they always talk about what X is wearing and how Y looks and who lost weight and who gained weight? What's the under lying cause of all this chatter? Is it pure jelously? Or just a desire to improve oneself, but failing for lack of effort?




  1. Insecurity and something to talk about. And, a way to get the topic of them..They think it's better to talk about someone else, instead of having someone gossip about them.

  2. insecurity

  3. Men gossip just as much, whether you realize it or not.

  4. us women are like cats we no wat we are capable of so we like to fight over ye silly mice...

  5. No, most grown women aren't jealous of each other. Teenage girls, perhaps, but then most of them grow up.

  6. I think it's about outdoing each other.  Sometimes we even want things we can't have.  That's why you find that some women get jealous when women get to close to their man.  Girls tend to be conscientious of what other women are wearing because we like fashion for the most part.  I don't think it has to do with jealously but more of wanting to look attractive and to improve oneself.

  7. women get jelous of one another because they want to bring themselves at a higher level than the other pero like compete to see whos better...or maybe because that women doesnt want her bf to like another women...

  8. Most of the women I know aren't jealous of other women-sounds like its the women you know...maybe you need to meet new women because the women you know now suck.

  9. Because the media set out an ideal beauty for women.

    Sme may have long hair, perfect features, be petite, trendy skinny and absolutely beautifull and vivacious but many women can not reach that ideal beauty

  10. maybe it feels like if you put somebody else down, then other people won't notice YOUR faults, because whoever is much worse.


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