
Why are most women so desperate for a man? Are they afraid to live and die alone?

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I just witnessed a drama between my neighbor and his supposedly mistress. My neighbor, who is the guy has been cheating on his wife with a younger woman. He has been lying to the mistress about being divorced. He has been stalling, he wouldn't tell her where he worked, where he lived where his family lived, I mean it was like a live soap was crazy..i was laughing my butt off because the dude got what he wanted and the woman was just standing outside sobbing like a retarded bytch...she then told him that he must divorce his wife and that she can't live with out him...mind you this dude is like not a looker at all and the woman is very pretty..but that may be besides the point...anyways...I have witness A LOT of these where the women get so desperate..why is it psychological or biological or is it greed..what is me understand..I have cut men out of my life...they are the worst..i'll rather live and die alone with my 9 cats




  1. i feel very much like you do. i never understood the point of getting married and having kids. its just not something i have any interest in.

  2. The majority of people who have a bit of self-esteem are not desperate for a partner-it's the insecure ones who need someone to bolster their self-confidence. I"ve met just as many men desperate for a wife as I"ve met women who are desperate for a husband. The older you get-the more men want a wife and the more women just want a boy friend. You'll find out..

  3. nowadays man is not important to women as we still can support ourselves with our capability but some between different s*x is something can't be explained. Of course I don't deny that most of the hurts & disappointment comes from love too...For my personal opinion, if the right guy for me doesn't walk to my life, I would rather be alone with  my family than keeping all the hurts & sadness. Anyway...there are alway good men out there...

  4. Your use of the word "retarded" as a pejorative is disgusting, ignorant and cruel.

    I suspect that when you grow up you'll change your mind about men.  My wish for you is that you get exactly what you deserve.

    Most women are not desperate for a man.  Most of us just like 'em a lot.

  5. Men and women both are bad about staying in unhealthy relationships because of their own personal issues.  It's not just women.  That you were laughing at her and referred to her as a "retarded *****" is rather cruel and uncalled for.

  6. LOL

    You tell the story amusingly, Nikki.

    I don't know any answers on this one.

    Just that at some point being alone ceases to feel ok.

    Or it did for me.

    And if you take a chance and your heart becomes fallen for someone, and they disappoint you? Ouch.

    But still you have to try, or you WILL be alone with the cats.

    And that sounds like an admirable spirit of yours now (it does!). But I hope in a couple 3.4 years you find your situation becomes more open...that someone really amazing to you shows up. like he was supposed to be there all along.

    Don't give up on men entirely,Nikki.

    Try to learn some about what makes them tick, in this time you're being independant.

    (You might find some of us are actually ok!)

    But as to your q, yea,it sounds like the dude is really good at playing a woman.  And so it IS psychological. He created a need in her!  (Is that like having an evil power to take over a womans mind? ya think?)

    She must have been open to it.

    It sounds like you're gonna do better than that!

  7. Not everyone has the strength of mind to remove the hope of a loving relationship form their life, even if the facts and their own experiences are telling them they are fooling themselves.

    This is especially true as people get older. It's not just about dying alone, it's about the time until you die. About having someone to tell your day to, someone who says they care about you. Someone who will make you a coffee when it's hard to think what to do next, someone who will say "I understand how you feel".

    Also, if people have been in a relationship a long time, they are usually reluctant to let it go ~ we are all told to work at our relationships, and for women especially we are often judged by how 'successful' our relationships with others are!

    Life is long and the days can get empty, unless you have the strength of mind to fill them with friends, laughter, work you enjoy and things you want to do.

    I feel for your cheating neighbour, too foolish to stay true to someone who will care about him, and causing pain to others, but the chances are he'll be fine. Some woman will feel sorry for him and care for him as he ages.

    The one I feel sorry for is the 'mistress', who may be a perfectly nice woman who has been lied to for quite a while, and let other chances for happiness go by while she built what she thought was a life with this guy.

    People spend a lot of time on this planet hurting each other, don't they, when all most of us want is someone to care about us, and who we can care about.

    Let's give each other a break and not be too judgemental towards them.

    Cheers :-)

  8. Who knows? Every woman is different, who wants to die alone? I don't.

  9. From what you have told me it certainly sounds as if these women have problems with insecurity.  That's the source of almost every problem a human has and whether it comes from childhood, rejection, or is just a biological trait...I don't know.  I think it's very sad when women feel incomplete without a man, but "cutting men out of your life" is also caused by some sort of problem.  It has probably been because you have been mistreated or lied to by men, but that isn't a reason to judge all men.  I'm a woman who has been hurt too (like all of us) but I continue to love.  I now only love people who deserve it though! (except for my kids...that's unconditional !)

  10. Well, she's obviously in love with this man for some reason. Having an affair with a married man is a miserable business, but this woman doesn't seem to be very bright.  I mean, she must have realised that there was something strange about a man who didn't tell her where he lived, or worked or anything.  

    She can't really have thought that a man who was that secretive was likely to be the love of her life surely?  It sounds to me as if she is somewhat delusional.  many married men do lie to their girlfriends about their intentions, they tell them they love them, they're going to divorce their wives etc, and it is easy to believe them because if you are infatuated you naturally beleive what you want to hear.  But if he had never even told her where he lived or worked, then i would have thought that that would have given her a clue that he was a bit strange.

  11. It's sick.  I've seen so many women run back to guys who were beating them up, begging the guy to take them back.

  12. Considering your opinion on men ... and since you've stereotyped us all ...I'm happy that you'd rather live and die alone ... don't worry I'm sure your wish will come true .. enjoy your cats . No man or child should have to deal with you .

  13. Well its half... we want money. We want to sit all day on the couch "cooking" and "cleaning" *wink wink* and eating bon bons while our husbands just work their @sses off for us! Life is great!

  14. hmm inno. It is a human problem.

          Some people just cant be alone. Some people can be.

       Me personally I think until society begins to respect basic traits of honor and integrity again all human relationships aren't worth the air used to say them.

  15. There are more women than men in America. That's supply and demand.

  16. You sound like the nosy neighbour Gladys Kravitz from 'Betwitched'.

  17. I'm going to just cancel my cable TV and move into your neighborhood.  Be glad they didn't all have guns.

  18. Men are more desperate for women than women are for men.

  19. I'm not a woman so I can't explain why they are desperate. It certainly is sad though. They probably are afraid to live alone. We ALL die alone no matter what anyone says. Funny that after you write this you end by saying "men are the worst". LOL.

    In fact, it's women who are the worst as you witnessed this sad woman yourself. I've cut them from my life and couldn't be happier. Women are nothing but grief anyways.

  20. wow that lady is really dam stupid!! how sad thats just pathetic. i dont think "women" are all desperate! that is a crazy huge generalization and i think fot the most part, not true at all

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