
Why are most women so fake with one another?

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In my workplace, the majority of the employees are women and I find them very catty and hard to get along with. Being a woman myself, they just make those of us like myself look really bad. I generally say what I feel to a person rather than behind their backs. I guess its just a never ending cycle. I just cant stand it!!!




  1. Its their form of social glue.  It helps develop dialog even if it is not sincere, but there is a odd form of cooperation going on but at a looser level.  That what it seems to me.

  2. Immaturity.

    Men get a bad rap for being immature, but I honestly see immature behavior from women more often.

  3. I'm sure you will get better responses from this question than if a man had asked it.

  4. Because today's society is fake. I don't like it either.

  5. I don't know but it bothers me, especially since women are quite fake with men too it makes me wonder if the majority of women are ever real or honest.

    If I don't like someone I avoid them, I won't be overly rude to them but I will simply try not to have much to do with them. Most women I know are all smiles and hugs until someone is gone, then they complain about every tiny thing the other  person did blowing it up into insane proportions.

    Seriously? Is it worth the effort?

  6. I agree when men don't like one another. We do not hide our dislike we are more straight forward like that.

  7. Society teaches girls they always have to compete with each other (especially in terms of sexual attractiveness, but it spills into all other areas as well).

  8. You are describing the behavior of some girls in dead end jobs.

    Grown-up women in rewarding careers never do this because their minds are otherwise engaged.  These girls haven't got any way to occupy their minds constructively at their boring, dead-end jobs where they have little control over what they do and how they do it and receive low pay.  You will typically find such unhappy young girls working in the Pink Collar Ghetto sector.  If you ever take business management courses you will learn this.   And the behavior isn't limited to females but you will see them working crappy jobs more often than males so you will notice the behavior more.

  9. It's contagious.  Good for you for staying away from that c**p.  It's very juvenile.

  10. I work with a group of women at a part-time job and some of them are like that.  I started to do something different, I made a point to be frank with them and if I had a problem, I said nothing behind their backs, and went to them personally, and told them that I would not talk about the problem with anyone accept them, and was direct and to the point about what they had done that upset me, and how I wished that the situation would have been handled,  About half were appreciative, and became closer as a result of my honesty.  The other half (there weren't that many) took it bad and things became worse between us.  They could not take the face to face honesty.  So I had abandoned that tactic, and now I do not handle problems discreetly one on one.  If they mess with me I stop them in their tracks and call them on it.  I won't say it made me popular, but "it is better to be feared that loved," accd to Macchiavelli.  

    As for the gossip it continues, but not about me, because they know I will eventually hear about it and call them out.  I don't know if this is helpful, but is one way of hadling the situation professionally.

    I don''t know why some of them are very immature, but I doubt that immaturity is exclusive to one s*x,  You can see by the questions and answers here that it runs both ways.

    I thought my experience with a similar situation might be helpful.

  11. It's the hens in the chicken coop theory. They worry too much about who's eggs look and taste better. Self esteem issues.

  12. Attention. Society usually gives women alot of attention.

         But in a female dominated work place they vie with each other for attention.


         That or they are bored. The work is too easy for them.

    So they try and pass the time with chit chat. After awhile it drys up and they resort to day to day gossip.

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