
Why are most wrestling fans so defensive and uptight?

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If you ever noticed when someone says it is fake(which is common knowledge) they get all bent out of shape. Also if you dis a big star like Triple H or Jeff hardy they just attack you.Speaking as someone who watches wresting and enjoys it for what it is, which is 2 hours of scripted and mindless entertainment I have to say these people make the rest of us look bad what do you think?




  1. I just simply get tired of coming on here and seeing people ask if wrestling is fake or real.  Now if your a kid I can understand it.  Just some people do it to annoy everyone, and usually it's a level 1 person that is asking there first question.

  2. Uhh, why do you watch t.v shows, they are mindless and scripted.

  3. I love wrestling, I'm sure you love wrestling, but when it comes down too it many wrestling fans don't know enough about wrestling to build a proper defense. Thus explaining the attacking you. They can't argue with words, so they get physical.

  4. Wresting fans that believe their fav wrestler is for real and buy the merchandise and wear the t's are of extremely low iq.  Find another hobby.

  5. I know what you mean by the fake part.  They might be getting upset to the fact, that if you were to perform the same move & didn't do it right, then someone could get hurt.  

  6. I Smell A Troll    -_-  

  7. Because Were sick of  Hearing The same old Stuff..

  8. What "AbdullahtheButcher" said, exactly!   I'd like to copy that statement just to be able to answer the other 10-20 questions like THIS one that we see everyday here.  

  9. only fans that know nothing about wrestling are that way

  10. Part one: Somebody pointing out the obvious, ad nauseum, gets scorned by everybody at some point.  Those trolls who come here to just type "wrestling is fake" do so with the intention and expectation of receiving irate responses.  Unfortunately, too many in this section give those trolls what they want.

    Part two: mindless bashing, whether it's a particular wrestler, the wrestling business, or the "fakeness" of wrestling, is irritating.  Look at the higher-level Top Contributors who can give good reasons why they don't like a particular wrestler or storyline (The Dragon, in particular, is awesome at that).  They aren't yelled at for "dissing" that wrestler.  They are listened to, and sometimes rebutted in like manner.  It's all about the presentation.  Your little brother, poking you, and saying "wrestling is fake, na na-na na-na na" is irritating.  Your father discussing the wrestling business with you in a mature adult fashion, is not.

    In this section, hate begets hate.

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