
Why are motorcycle dealers closed on Mondays?

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Is there a specific reason motorcycle dealers are usually closed Sundays and Mondays?




  1. So they can keep the staff on a 5 day work week and still be open on one day during the weekend for people that are out riding.

    But not all shops follow that schedule. I've worked for a couple of shops that were open Monday to Saturday. They would rotate one day off during the week. We all had Sunday off but our second day off would be somewhere in the middle of the week. I would have Tuesday off, one co-worker would have Wednesday off, and another co-worker would have Thursday off. I would rather work for a Tuesday-Saturday shop and have two days off in a row versus the split days off c**p.

    The other reason for being open on Saturdays instead of Monday is that is when a lot of people have time to ride.

  2. They are open every day except for Sunday where I live, WI.

  3. hangover from weekend

  4. To honour the loss of INDIAN LARRY. He passed on a MONDAY.

  5. Because it's the only day you had time to go there and you needed something important. So you are now stuck at home watching re runs of I Love Lucy and folding towels when you should be riding.

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