
Why are muslims enjoying non halal Hamburgers at McDonald's?

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Heatrow Airport london. Gulf muslims jump off their planes and run straight in search of McDonalds inside the airport and wolf down Hamburgers with their wives and dozens of kids

when will they realize that we dont sell halal meat hamburgers at mcdonalds in england?




  1. omg we r muslims but sometimes we need to enjoy ourselves, its no tall must must cant must

  2. They Will create a big fuss and show of religiosity if given the same food by mistake by Non Muslims. But when by choice, they dont care.

    If there is a chance of grabbing some thing u have, they will accuse u of Insulting Islam by serving them Non Halal meat.

  3. sadly they also jump off to fund the supported terrorism against innocent, bare-handed Palestinians.

  4. some Muslims in America do the same, it's either they don't care or they just don't's sickens me when i see them eating haram

  5. they don't sell halal hamburgers in england except for Southall, but apart from that its all haram and muslims shouldn't be eating it

  6. It's what i always asked myself :))))

    i never dared ask a muslim friend though! hihi

    happily happy is it just christians who commit adultery???? or is it MEN IN GENERAL?

  7. Are they really muslims?

  8. Learn about Wahhabis from this Sunni website

  9. Everybody will be answerable on the day of Judgement.

  10. coz i dont think they really care..they are probably those muslims who think that if u say 'bismillah' before eating the food it becomes halal!!

    then again they probably dont know that its haram coz when i was younger i was told that it was halal and so i used to eat..astaghfirullah..however i was genuinely unaware..once i found out i obviously didnt eat it anymore..apparently even the chips are haram as they are coated with pig fat.

    so before we judge perhaps we should give them the benefit of the doubt and remember we should enjoin the good and forbid the wrong so my advice is to approach theses muslims and inform them that they are consuming haram food..that way atleast u know u did the right thing inshaAllah.

  11. I don't think you are standing on the gates of MAC, checking the religion of every client going there.

    But I guess I know "How" you know about the Brothals thing.

  12. well i dont really eat McDonalds

    i prefer KFC

    but i didnt know it was haram

    thank you for sharing

  13. They are Wahhabis


  14. they are breaking free form the cult !!!;...

  15. I do not know much about halal, but it could be like Kosher foods. Many places actually serve Kosher meat, etc. And who is to judge them? I remember when Catholics were not supposed to eat meat on Friday. But I am sure there were many who did. Maybe that is not the same, but people do not always follow their religious laws.

  16. Hey! Not all malays are muslims okie?? Found that out when ask the same question before too at my friends.

  17. for the same reason..

    christians commit adultery.

    Sin is attractive

  18. Maybe their inner faith isn't as strong as they would like it to be.

  19. I know its haram to eat non-halal meat. But it's their choice really. If they're unsure of something, It's their duty to ask if the meat is halal (or if you guys have a sign up then even better- but your not obligated to). I mean in the end only God can judge them....and judge them He will.

    EDIT: Why do some people insist on judging other Muslim sects? I mean just be the best Muslim that YOU can be right? To the person who said "Wahhabis eat everything" that was very immature and stereotypically incorrect. Grow up, God is watching. And no I'm not Wahhabi.

  20. Are you really sad about that Muslim name holders ?

  21. Wahabi eat thier mothers if they are hungry, look at the the kings and wahabi scholars, they are so fat, that they all don't see their manhoods

  22. Oh Sara you .....

    Thanx for giving this information why you are worried about other people think for your own na  

  23. Meat from the Jews and Christians is halaal.  There is some difference of opinion as to meat in the West specifically, but the opinions in favor of meat in Europe and the States being permissible are strong.

    It's fine if you want to be safe and stay away from it, but it's not right to accuse other Muslims of committing sins for not following that opinion.

    "Made lawful to you this day are At­Tayyibât [all kinds of Halâl (lawful) foods, which Allâh has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, etc., milk products, fats, vegetables and fruits, etc.). The food (slaughtered cattle, eatable animals, etc.) of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) is lawful to you and yours is lawful to them."

    - Sooratul Maa'idah, verse 5

  24. well most people are hypocrites whether they are muslim, jew or whatever! my old boss is Jewish and she loved a bacon roll, I didn't mind cos she always bought me one too! most muslims drink alcohol,sleep around eat harram food and do all the things they aren't suppose to! along with the other major religions, I used to think what kind of people they are but now I just smile to myself and think..well who am I to judge I ain't so perfect and one day they have to answer to the perfect being! for Judgement is his

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