
Why are my 2 female rabbits attacking each other?

by  |  earlier

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i have two rabbits(both girls) in separate cages,but they are right next to each other. when i try to put them together to play they start attacking and biting each other they so i have to separate them immediately they are both about one year old. why does this happen?




  1. female rabbits are realy territorial, so they will fight to see who will be incharge.

  2. check this link out it really helps ! -

  3. Female rabbits are very territorial, especially if not spayed. If you'd like to tryto make them friends, get them both spayed (which should help quite a bit) and read this info on "bonding" rabbits.  Otherwise, keep them separated and never leave them together without close supervision because they could seriously injure one another.

  4. they are territorial with each other because they are both female and fixing them wont do anything. i have to males that are neutered and they still hate each other. if you want bunnies that play together, its best to get a female and a neutered male.they wont be territorial with each other or competitive  

  5. It's just competetiveness - trying to discover who is boss - try getting a couple of males to calm them down, so they feel equal, if not neuter one and then the other will be boss and the other submissve, they have no need to fight then, you just need to make one of them hgiher than the other - basically equals in the animal world of the same s*x scrap - unless paired off, you just need to deminish the competition to be number one - give them both a male to play with or neuter one

    Hope it helps

  6. Some of mine do that. Its bc they are in heat and want to breed.

  7. hello there

    rabbits are highly territorial.fighting is a way to protect their most beloved territory.neuter them so you won't have much problems anymore.

    best of wishes!

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