
Why are my 2 front teeth from the bottem not white but are..?

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why are my 2 front teeth from the bottem not white but are a little transparent.. it looks like the bottem of my teeth are made of glass?

why is it like this?

you cant see through them but they are not white!




  1. thats just how some poeple's teeth are..some are white some just dont have much color...dont worry about it!

  2. Visit

    ^ Has Some Great Info Regarding Your Dental Issue ^

  3. This is caused by erosion. The teeth are now transparent. The enamel has been dissolved. This can't be fixed but you can only prevent further damage by using a toothpaste like sensodyne pronamel which restores enamel. And everytime you drink a fizzy drink use a straw so the acid passes your teeth.

  4. It can sometimes mean your diet is too acidic and it's eroding the enamel on your teeth. Do you eat a lot of fruit or drink a lot of fizzing drinks? Try cutting down or you may lose your teeth.

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