
Why are my Basil Leaves drooping?

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Some Leaves have not grown,The bigger leaves look as though they are rotting on the ends.They are brown




  1. I have a large garden of Sweet Basil there are several reasons that they may be drooping:

    The leave may be to heavy and need pruning, I clip the flowers on the top off and put them at the base of the plant so that it will be it own mulch. I pluck off as many leaves as possible and I do two things, first I clean all the leaves, second I divide the leaves in two piles one pile I put in a large freeze bag for later in the year. The piles I put on a tray, I heat up the oven to about 250 degrees and let them dry out. I turn off the heat and just let them sit in the oven overnight the next day I put them in a spice jar.

    As for the brown end it sound like your plants don't have good drainage you may have to repot them or not water as often.

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