
Why are my animals eating grass?

by Guest65377  |  earlier

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We have 2 dogs and a cat and they all three eat grass! Why is this? Is it normal?




  1. Pets eat grass to make themselves throw up. But they only do it if they have an upset stomach. They must of ate somthing bad.

  2. My hubby's French bulldog would run blades of grass through his lips because he liked the way it felt.  He would eat it when he wasn't feeling well, which was often because he was allergic to protein, but he would just "feel" the grass with his lips because he enjoyed it.

  3. Yeah its pretty normal.  Dogs and cats relatives in the wild eat all of their catch, stomach contents and all, and in a domestic captive situation they lack this roughage in their diet as most dog and cat foods are low in fibre.  Eating grass is also done when your animal has an upset stomach, they eat the grass, it binds to the offending contents in their stomach and up the nasties come.  I think in your case where all three eat it they probrably just need more fiber. Check out the nutritional info on their food, you might find that the fibre level is pretty low.

  4. I actually have read that they will eat grass if they have an upset stomach.

  5. Completely normal-every dog I have ever owned did this.  I think they do it to clean out their stomach for whatever reason.  Eating it makes them throw up anyways.

  6. Dogs and cats eat grass to calm their stomachs. It doesn't mean they're sick though.

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