
Why are my b***s so big for my age?!?

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I used to be 32A when i was 8... Now I'm 12 years old and a size 34DD Moving up to be an E Soon. Girls At school in older years get jealous and threaten to 'beat me up' But its not my fault i have big b***s for my age. I'm starting to get fed up with them! Is their something wrong or am i just quickly developed?

Thanks! x




  1. you may be going through a growth spurt and maybe you b***s will stop growing shortly and the rest of you will have time to catch up.  

  2. dont worry im big im 12 and a 34c !

    just remeber every ones difrent and their just jelous x

  3. I know how you feel. Myn happened in the summer between elementry school and highschool. I went from hardly a 36A to a 36D and now im a 36E. You know it wont matter in a few years, people will get over it. Right now there jealous and there isnt much you can do. Tell them it isnt so great, its heavy(lol) and harder to find cloths when you have larger b*****s, not to mention not as many pretty bras, they might back off. My friends used to say they wished they had my b***s, and when i told them that they decided they didnt.

  4. Jesus im 13 and 9 months and im a 30 AA id love ur b***s wana swap? x

  5. Sorry to hear you get bullied over your b***s, by 10 years old I was a 34C - and got made fun of for that by all the jealous girls - and I wasn't overweight.

    If your mum or sisters have big b***s it's genetic.

    I know it's not easy for you - but please try to be proud of yourself - these girls are jealous of you.

  6. It's okay big b***s are okay. I guess. Some girls would probably do anything for them.

  7. You've probably just developed very quickly. Hopefully you will start to slow down a bit. If you don't though, a breast reduction is always an option once you've stopped growing as larger b*****s can cause you to have back problems (not that I am suggesting you have one, I'm just saying that if you were very unhappy it's an option). It's ridiculous for those girls to be jealous, but you can be smug in the knowledge that yours are bigger than theirs are! I know how you feel, I'm a 32E/F and my mum is a 34F (although I wasn't as big at your age). I also have a friend who's a 32G and her mum is a J! Just know that it doesn't matter what size you are, everyone's different. And also, you'll find when you're a bit older that boys love them ;-) Woops sorry, I forgot I'm not allowed to tell jokes on here because it's the internet and people think I'm being serious.

  8. quick developing!    you could always look into getting them reduced when your a little older

  9. hi this happened to my friend and i feel for you cause my friend was very upset and down big b***s prob run in your family....dont worry when you get to 18 they will stop growing....if you then feel there to big ask your parents can you have a breast reduction....if they know how unhappy you are they will let you....theres noting wrong with just have big b***s you should be proud of them though...most girls would die for b***s that big..... :)

  10. the girls are jealous even its the same with me girls say it that they are jealous of me just chill.........

  11. breast size changes throughout your life.  Your body will adapt and grow into them, and they may get smaller (or even bigger) as you get older.

  12. bodies grow and different sppeds and shapes honey its not your fault.your b***s are probably getting you alot of attention from boys and other girls are mad at that...just act like a lady  and dont let boys see them and be  a regualr gr you will be fine

  13. quick developer

    my friend always had big b***s, shes now a size 32JJ ((HUGE)) lol

  14. 1. Completely normal, have a friend who was a 32F when she was 14.

    2. Ignore the flat-chested jealous b*****s.

    3. Make sure u wear REALLY supportive, correctly fitting bras.

    4. Be proud of them! :p

  15. your hormones are kicking in. there working how it should. but a little faster do not worry. you are 12  

  16. why dont u email e and we'el talk about this ( maybe send some pics ;]

  17. u r jus a quick developer ow i wish i had yr boobz ;) lol

    dnt worry hun its all good

    and tell them idiot girls to leave u alone an to go get ther own lol

  18. Different people develop and different times.

    Your just a quick developer.

    And these girls shouldn't be allowed to act like this.

    They are just jealous (big b***s are deemed beautiful) , and it's actually bullying.

    If it's really getting you down you could go & see a female doctor or a nurse who'll put your mind at ease.

    and you can talk to someone at school about these girls too, if they try and carry out their pathetic threat.

  19. the same thing happend to me! i was a 31DD by 13 every girl in my school was jealous I'm 16 now 32F they are starting to slow down though so dont worry they wont get too big

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