
Why are my brake lights not working?

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I have a 2000 Dodge Grandcaravan and the back brake lights don't come on when I press the brake pedal. I looked at the lightbulbs and they seem to be fine. I didn't see a fuse for the back brake lights. What else can I check to figure this out. A mechanic want to charge me $150 just to look at it.




  1. Its called a brake light switch, usually found around the top of the foot brake, easy as changing a light bulb.

  2. It might be a fuse or if not maybe the wiring

  3. Check the fuse first, then the switch. If both ar eout, that's the problem.

  4. Bulbs often look fine, but arent. Try replacing both bulbs, but my guess is there is a bad fuse. your van has a dedicated fuse  in the box, although it may not be labeled brake lights, your owners manual will have a diagram of the fuses, and if you dont have a manual, the schematic is readily available online. good luck!

  5. If you have an original owner's manual it will tell you where the fuse is.

    That is where to start. If you can't find it go to your local auto parts store. The good ones will have schematics on their computer to help you!


  6. There is a switch actually attached to your brake pedal. Check that switch to ensure it is operating.

    If the switch is working, check every bulb, or just replace them. 'Looking" at a bulb won't always show a bad one. To really check them, you need to put an ohm meter on it to check continuity or attach them to a 12 volt DC power source to see if they light up.

  7. usually there is a sensor connected to the brake pedal that tells the brake light to turn on

  8. Either a bad fuse, three or four bad bulbs (don't forget the center high mounted brake light) or a bad brake light switch (it would be located behind the brake pedal metal piece).

  9. you will have a fuse panel under the dash on the left side of the van,there is another fuse panel under the hood of the van also.check your owner's manual.if the fuses are o.k. and the bulbs(not very often all brake bulbs go out at the same time.check your brake light switch located on the brake pedal bracket(arm),aftermarket ones are cheap to buy,or read up at the library (mitchell shop manual) how to test it.if that is o.k. as well you may have a faulty turn signal switch,your brake lights run through you turnsignal switch the back out to the tail light assembly(brake light bulbs).get a test light so you can test for power supply at the brake switch when you depress the brake pedal.but do read up on how to perform tests on the brake light system(library or buy a repair manual (clymer is one brand of manuals that are easy to find,and easy to read and follow instruction on running tests)

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