
Why are my cakes always thick and small?

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Everytime I make a cake from scratch, it rises a few centimeters and shrinks after I take it out of the oven. Then when it's all done cooling, the layers are about 3/4 inch in height and the texture is thick and heavy. I'm wondering if it could possibly be because I beat the batter for too long. Sometimes the batter comes out a little thin...




  1. I think you have answered your own question.  Most of the time when a cake is small and thich, it's from overbeating.  You might also need to check the temp you are cooking them and do not close the oven door too hard when checking on the layers.  Most recipes say to cook the cake batter at 350, but since I have an electric oven and it tends to cook faster, I reduce the cooking tem tp 325.

    Good luck and keep on baking!

  2. If it shrinks after you take it out it might not be done in the center.  Are you testing it with a toothpick before you take it out?

    ALSO is there a thermometer in your oven? It is possible the temp isn't even in there.

  3. Beating the batter too much will make it flat.  Try beating the batter less, mix it just enough to get lumps out and resist the urge to mix so much.

  4. Hmmm....well...frist off are you following the receipe exactly and measuring all the incredients correctly?  Also you have to use the rigt size baking pan for the type of cake you're making.  Make sure too that your incredients aren't too old.  This could have an effect on how your cake turns out.

    Make sure that you read all the instructions first before you start baking and make sure you follow them as precisely as you can.  This will ensure that your cake will come out better.  You can test the cake too for doneness by poking a toothpick in the middle of the cake if it comes out dry then the cake is done.  But the main thing is to follow the recommended baking time of the receipe.

    Ovens too run at different temperatures so you have to adjust accordingly.  Some ovens are stronger that other so you will have to adjust the baking times.  Just relax and enjoy your time baking and try different things to see what works for the receipe you are trying out.

    Good luck!

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