
Why are my cats fighting and how do i stop it?

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i brought home a new cat named saphira and she is under a year old. when i got her she was scared of everything and wouldnt even move from her hiding place to eat or go to the bathroom. weve had her for over 4 months and her and my other cat were getting along fine when all of a sudden saphira started attacking tazz out of the blue. tazz is declawed and im afraid shes going to get hurt by saphira. weve had tazz for over 6 years and shes my sisters cat but saphira is mine and i dont know how to get her to stop. any suggestions?




  1. Cats aren't social creatures.  The older cat is probably asserting her dominance.  I'm a dog person so about the only advice I can offer is something I was told by a cat owner who was having behavioral issues with her cat.  She uses a water bottle.  Every time the cat does something she doesn't like like jump on the counter, she squirts it.  

  2. poor tazz. maybe you should declaw saphira or just wait maybe they are just playing.

  3. I have been fostering dogs and cats for over 5 years and I have seen it all. My opinion is :  Cats need to announce their territory to other animals especially other cats. Tazz may have invaded Saphira's' territory and since you have had Tazz alot longer that Saphira, Tazz thinks that the whole house is her territory. With Saphira being so much younger than Tazz she is more playful and Tazz may not want to play all the time.Try making a loud noise when they begin to fight. Make sure you give them both equal attention. If they still don't get along you may have to keep Saphira in your room for a couple of weeks while you slowly introduce her to Tazz and the rest of the house. You can do this by letting Tazz sniff Saphira's toys and placing Saphira's toys around the house. After a couple of days of that allow Tazz to sniff Saphira while you hold her. Again, after a couple of days of that allow Tazz to play in your room with Saphira for about at least 1 hour a day for about 4 days. Then take them to other rooms in the house to play together. When you feel comfortable enough with their behavior allow Saphira to roam the house freely. I hope this helps

  4. They are just doing what comes natural, they are figuring out who is the alpha cat.  They will hiss and swat, and as long as there is no bloodshed, let them alone.  It's one of the hardest things I had to learn to do over the years, because my cats do it all throughout the year (I have four of them) - and they alpha cat is always changing around here as the challenges are made.  Imagine it as "King of the Mountain" - only with cats.  Let them figure out their pecking order, just keep a squirt bottle/gun handy if it gets out of control.  Good Luck

  5. Are you sure they're not just playing?  Mine play kinda rough all the time and they've been together 5 years.

  6. cats need to really figure out how to solve these things i know it sounds stupid but cats have a mind of their own. cats always fight i work at the norfolk spca well i volunteer i dont work there but the cats always fight but after they are done or we seperate them they are over it its like humen but the kitten needs to be put in time out if it attacks your older cat or you  just might have to keep them seperated. kittens are mischief haha because my friend has a cat thats 7 and just got a new boy kitten and he attacks the older cat because he wants to play but he plays way way wway too rough hes mean but its funny hes evil. but anyways they have to keep them seperated or put him in time out and ignore him if he does something bad and you shoudl do the same with your kitty  

  7. my suggestion would be to keep them in separate rooms with a only a little crack in the door so they can get used to each other again, and then if you have a pet carrier then put one of them in that and let them get used to each other again!

  8. most likely whenever cats fight, they are mating...

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