
Why are my cherry tomatoes ripening so small?

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I have a huge plant of cherry tomatoes, great big gorgeous plant, used miracle grow and watered plenty but it's ripening super small tomatoes. They are the size of my pinky nail! I tasted one and they were ok but not really usable. There are tons of flowers and new ones starting to grow but I'm afraid they will all just get so big and then ripen without getting "cherry" big at least. Oh, and they have plenty of sun, some shade sometimes, ideal conditions really and it's not my first time growing tomatoes. They are planted in the ground and I got it propped up pretty good too!




  1. You probably just got a bad plant, a certain species or hybrid or variety, and that family or strain just happened to produce small fruit. Keep giving it food and water and sun and just hope that the next ones will be bigger. A little trick to getting a lot of tomatoes too, I've heard, is to go out at noon-time and just jiggle the plants a little, it causes the pollen (supposedly, I haven't verified this) to fall down on itself and create more fruit.

  2. don't use fertilizer once the plant starts producing tomatoes!! go to a nursery and ask them what they suggest. maybe there are different fertilizers that would help.

  3. they are commonly called cocktail tomatoes,  add epsom salts for a quick fix

  4. Miracle grow will not make your fruit ripen quicker fact miracle grow will make the base of the plant hardier and usually prolongs it from producing ripe fruit sooner by increasing the sturdy value of the vines.  As mentioned it may be a grape ...however, tomatoes need water to produce larger ones....if it has went without water for awhile it will ripen at the size basically it stopped receiving water

  5. maybe they were mislabeled and they are grape tomatos

  6. It is probably the type of tomatoes.  There are a ton of species of the fruit.

  7. You are supposed to stop feeding them once they start to set fruit.  The plant is putting all it's energy into growing tall and leafy  instead of the fruit because of the miracle grow.

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