
Why are my chickens laying deformed, small and huge eggs?

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I have three chickens, all different breeds, that have been laying for about six or seven weeks. One chicken, not sure which, keeps laying brown speckled lopsided eggs. Sometimes the eggs just look flat out deformed and gross, but generally they're lopsided. Another chicken has been laying monster eggs with double yokes. I've probably had about 15 eggs with double yokes. What's the problem here? I feed them fresh veggies, standard chicken feed and weeds/clipping from my garden. I also provided them crushed oysters shells for calcium. I browsed the web and couldn't find anything. The eggs taste fine, but these deformities are a little unsettling. Any information would be greatly appreciated.




  1. This is very normal, I have three chickens--same breed, all the eggs look different--color and shape. Do you let them free range? They LOVE this and the exercise does them so good! LOVE THOSE CHICKENS!!!

  2. Double yolked eggs are common with younger chickens and are not a big deal. Young hens tend to lay weird eggs for a while, but they'll most likely start laying normal ones soon. More calcium couldn't hurt- maybe that one hen isn't getting enough. Watch to make sure she isn't being bullied and is getting her share.

  3. maybe you need glasses?

  4. Maybe you have a retarted chicken.

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