
Why are my contacts causing fuzzy vision?

by  |  earlier

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I recently ordered more boxes of my same brand, same prescription contact lenses through a contact lens supplier online. When I received them, I put them on and my vision is fuzzy. I checked that I had the correct lenses in the correct eyes and checked the prescription. When I had them in, it seemed like I had no vision change, like I didn't have them in. I even opened a new pair to see if it was just a dud pair. Nope. Same. What could this mean?




  1. did you put it in correctly?

  2. It's not a wise idea to order them online. You should do it through your optometrist as they would have ran examinations on you before each time he/she orders them.

    The companies online mightn't even be real professionals who know about contacts. The outside of the box doesn't mean anything if the contacts are no good since anyone can just print a label with your prescription.

  3. go buy them from your eye doctor.

  4. they might be dirty?

  5. Well, lets see, they might be dirty, they might not work..., they might cause an allergic reaction with your eyes, or you just dont know how to put them in <3

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