
Why are my contacts hurting my eyes? They're brand new!?

by  |  earlier

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And it's not just this pack.

I've been wearing contacts very comfortably for almost ten years. Recently though I've been noticing (through different packs of contacts) that they really hurt my eyes now. I thought I was wearing them too long, but sometimes they would hurt me only after a couple hours of wear. I make sure they're clean and I rewet them throughout the day. I use Acuvue2 disposables (three month) that even allow for sleeping in (but I only do that when I'm napping or sick).

So for the past two weeks I've been wearing my glasses instead of contacts (with only a few exceptions) to give my eyes a rest. Well, the few times I have worn them the same thing happened!

It starts out itchy then gets progressively more painful the longer I wear them. Sometimes I can wear them for a few hours before that happens. The only way I can think to describe is feels like something is on my eyeball, abrasing it, even when the contact is out. It takes 30+ min to feel better after they're out.




  1. they aren't folding when you put them in, are they? If one little corner is folded it will hurt like heck and it will often stay that way for the next time you put them in too unless you straighten them out.

  2. I got an allergic reaction to my should go back and see the eye doctor...It felt like someone rubbed sandpaper on my eyeballs...and started the week of my wedding!!! .if it is not that....check for dry eye. if it is that, then have your doctor check your thyroid level. my tsh was high and that meant I was hypothryoid and had dry eyes and couldn't wear contacts (this was after I got a kind I was not allergic to)

    itchy is usually allergies. maybe because of this time of year, and pollen, or maybe to the contacts themselves. don't mess with your eyes. see the doctor.

  3. Maybe the fitting is nto suiable for u. check with ur eye doc for better advice

  4. There are many reasons, You could have had an alergic reaction feel your eye lids and if you can feel little bumps thats what happend and you just have to wait it out, it  could be inside out, It could have a scratch, You could have formed a stigmatizim or if you have one then it could have gotten worse, or you could of scratched your cornea, or you are just out of luck and need to see a doctor.  Good luck

  5. You need to go back to the doctor and discuss this matter. He/she may have to put you in another brand. As you age, your eyes age too. So, what once fit really good in the past may not anymore. Plus, spring time is here and it could be your allergies too. So, call your eye doctor and have him/her look at you again to find a solution to your eye problem.

  6. I wore Acuvue 2's for almost 3 years fine and then started having trouble. I tried several other kinds and found that Acuvue Advance were the best for me. Call you eye doctor, he or she will work with you to find something that won't hurt your eyes.

  7. Something else no else has mentioned, the base curve (the inner curve ) of the lens might need to be changed. Too steep and the lens could cause an indention around the outer edge of the lens on your cornea and too shallow it could fold over or pop off when you blink.  Also, what kind of solution do you use? That can make a huge difference.

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