
Why are my contacts in 360 listed in different colors?

by  |  earlier

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The two newest ones show in purple, and the others are in blue. Have they deleted me as a friend?




  1. Could it be they have not added you as a friend yet?

  2. the color coding can be a yahoo glitch, to find out if they have deleted you from their pages just click on their picture and it will take you directly to their pages , there under the nick name, click on friend, that will open the page where all their friends are posted, if your picture / avatar still there, they have not delete you as a friend. If your pic/avatar is not there they have.

    Good luck to you

  3. no if someone deletes you there will be a cross or an x on your home page friend roll in the yellow color.

    If they are in purple it mean nothing more than you have made recent contact with that person through visits or messages.

  4. The name/link turns purple when u hv recently visited that persons page.

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