
Why are my deepest desires related to learning about the paranormal/supernatural?

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This is coming from a skeptic, but I can't deny the fact that I seek answers.

You know, if ghosts/demons/djinn/spirits/aliens exist...

If ouiji boards are just a marketing ploy...

If there's really such a thing as a possessed object/person...




  1. Perhaps because it that crazy stuff was real, it would give us control over our own fate and future.

    But it is NOT real.

  2. You should, be very sceptical at any attempt by individuals to objectively lay down rules, laws and perspectives on ourselves or a group in these subjective areas because to do so invalidates individual discernment — your own process of scepticism. People are often afraid to assert their own discernment because it might lead to expulsion from the group or dire physical, mental or spiritual consequences (manufactured no doubt to prevent desertion). It is important, therefore, to be as sceptical as you can about religions, cults, and psychological systems (such as Landmark, Scientology, scientific fundamentalism etc.) which attempt to eradicate members' sceptical inquiry by defining doubt itself as a pathological element. Doubt is natural and healthy, and provided that it is not used as an avoidance mechanism to open-mindedness, can be a useful and loyal ally.Of course, if you are merely using scepticism to cover up your fear and insecurity concerning the unpredictability, undefinability and/or uncontrollability of reality, then these are precisely the areas at which you will take pot shots, for they challenge your security the most. They are also the easiest to intellectually dismiss from a materialist point of view because they contain a large subjective element. Take out that "mind" element, in the name of science of course, and you effectively dismember these phenomena. So if you are narrow-minded, conceited and fearful (because you have conveniently projected your shadow on these "dangerous" alternatives), then becoming a blanket "dismisser" of all forms of alternative health, psychic powers and spiritual belief is the easiest way for you to allay some of your immediate fears. Some might even believe that you are intelligent for doing so. (But it certainly isn't a long term solution!)

  3. If your deepest desires are related to them, that why should it matter "why" they are, go ahead and learn about it. Make your decision about what to believe, or don't.

    Maybe it just fascinates you. After all, it's strange, mysterious, and potentially creepy. All those things are intriguing to humans. That's why horror movies do so well.

    I'm not going to try to convince you of my personal opinion on the paranormal, but don't automatically dismiss things that are strange. Actually think about them first, and then you can dismiss them if you want. Just don't be hasty about it.


    Does anyone else think that Vincent G sounds really depressed? And if anyone has seen the show Naruto, I am sure they will agree that he sounds a lot like Neji.

  4. It is human nature to want to believe that there is something more to life than just death and darkness. I have experienced ghosts and spirits and I can tell you there is something out there that we can not explain. Just stay focused and do not use Ouija boards they are evil and can lead to disaster. Believe in Christ and he will show you the true way to the here after.

  5. I grew up believing in ghosts.  After I did as much reading on the subject as possible I still wanted to believe but just wasn't able to.  I was fascinated by the idea that we could come in contact with the world as it was at a different time in the past.  Eventually I quit believing in anything paranormal because there just isn't evidence.

    Those who do believe in things like ghosts, psychics, etc. are either fantasy-prone (in the case of true believers) or else con men.

  6. The quest of knowledge isn't rather you choose to believe or not but that your keeping your mind open. When searching for answers it is a great tool to be skeptic and try to disprove or debunk the strange things that happen.

    The Ouija boards (what we all know to be Ouija boards) were made as a marketing ploy. It was designed from a different kind of board altogether. The original board wasn't really a board but a triangle on three small rounded dowels and a hole in the center where a writing instrument was placed and a sheet of paper under it. Three people present to place a single finger on a corner during a seance would allow a spirit (demon) to contact the living. Only these three were allowed in the room during the event and the spirit that would be evoked would always be a demon. It was performed in China in the early 1300's.

    I like many was skeptic until I was faced with events I could not debunk. imagines that appeared i thought my mind was playing tricks on me but the after effects i could not deny.

    I am not prone to throwing my entire body up against the wall and be slapped silly ( I rather hate pain). During one event I witnessed a young female sitting in a chair and could not move and watched as teeth impressions formed on her thigh and blood dripping from the bite which appeared to be nothing other than human.

    In my opinion I have enough proof to convince me and really do not care if anyone else can believe it or not as i am not out to prove anything. For those who do not believe i say good, they have every right to have their opinion and i would never say they are crazy or delusional or naive.

    For those who bash those that believe I say shame on you and i can only hope that you learn a little bit about respect.

  7. As a skeptic too, and I'm entertained by the whole idea of the supernatural, though I don't believe in it at all. I love Halloween, though I don't buy into any ghost stories or believe in vampires or werewolves. It's campy fun, that's all.

    But if your "deepest desires" relate to the paranormal, that tells me something else is going on. Sounds like you're desperately searching for something. Perhaps you'd benefit from talking with a therapist about it? There's nothing wrong with talking with a therapist about things. Many people do it at one point or another in their lives in order to sort things out. It may bring you some clarity.I don't think you'll get your answer on Yahoo.

  8. Maybe you are looking to fill the void in your heart that wants to be filled; because of this emptyness, you seek answers, and the answers you look for are contained in these topics in what is labeled as 'paranormal/supernatural'

  9. Only you can really answer that question for yourself. We can only offer our truest opinions. I liked one of your answers very much. I to have seen to much to be a close-minded scaredy cat with no life.

    For me ouiji boards are very real.  It was the High School thing to do and that is to see if we could get anything to come out from that board.

        There were 8 of us at the time in my best-friends home when we messed around with it and I can say that 8 people can attest that it is not a marketing ploy!  These things are so very real.  If you really do have such a calling for this then maybe you could find an honest and well-trained Parahaunt Group to join and find out for yourself.  I have an excellent Paranromal Group that I belong with.  We have had skepits in our group and did not make fun of them and let them find out for themselves if is real or not.  Only 1 of the skeptics left out of our group, it wasn't because he was not a skeptic anymore. It was out of fear and he could not handle whatever it was that really scared him.  We were sorry to see him leave because everyone liked him and his honesty.  So, now he is a very good friend to us all.  That matters alot to us all.

          Again, you need to do what is right for you and no one has the right to tell you any different.

    Pray about it and if it is still a part of who you are you will know what to do about it and you are far from crazy.  Good luck and I hope we hear from you again about this.

  10. I think it might be because the world is a pretty tough place to live in - on all levels.  A lot of people just can't believe that this is *it*.  They feel there must be something more.  I believe in ghosts, paranormal activity, other dimensions, the afterlife, fairies, elementals, earth energies and anything mystical and magical.  I believe in it because I have experienced it but also because I do need to believe that it's there.  Maybe you feel similiarly....

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