
Why are my dogs nipples puffy?

by  |  earlier

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my dog started her heat 6 weeks ago. the discharge and the swelling has gone away, but she still has swollen nipples. i was just wondering is she still in heat?




  1. if they are pinker nipples, she is getting closer to her due date for puppies=]

  2. She might be having a phantom pregnancy if you didn't mate her. Dogs are funny like that.

  3. phantom pregnancy ! or she is with-inn 3-6 weeks of giving birth

  4. AFter their first heat,their nipples stay a bit larger,if you are sure she didn't mate,if she mated,she could be pregnant,But not uncommon for her teats to be a tad more perdominate after heat and stay that  way...

  5. Was it her first heat? If it was, it was like a young girl going through puberty - the nipples grow larger, and they'll stay that way her entire life. Even if it wasn't her first heat, dog's hormones are the same whether they're pregnant or not. It isn't uncommon for dogs to go through false pregnancies, complete with getting milk and adopting a toy or 2 as their surrogate babies.

    Good luck!

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