
Why are my ears so dry and itchy?

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The inside of my ear is itchy and the skin is flaking off! I don't know why. I've washed it with warm water and anti-biological soap, but it still itchy and lots of white flake is coming off of it. I wear hearing aids, So I need to try and get rid of this so I can wear them.





  1. Excuse me while i regurgitate.

    ...Ask your doctor?

  2. The common name for this is 'Swimmers Ear'.  It is actually caused by water getting into your ear (i.e. when showering or washing your hair under the shower - don't have to have been swimming).  Washing inside your ear with water will have made it worse.  If it is really causing you problems (this can get worse and end up with extreme pain) go to the doctor and ask for some cortisone drops.  This cures it in about three days.

  3. disease

  4. Sounds like dermatitis. Get a strong cortisone either over the counter or on prescription. It helps me. Soap just makes it worse. You will notice that if you scratch it it will 'weep' and spread. The cortisone cream should get rid of it quickly.  

  5. your problem is that of eczema affecting the skin of the ear. It is fairly common anyway, but frequently made much worse by the constant use of hearing aids.

    It is important to use low allergenic  moulds which may help, unfortunately soap of any sort tends to make this, and any other eczema worse as well, and should be avoided.

    You need to cleanse the area with a soap and detergent free cleanser. The simplest is ung. emulsificans, though it it is a little greasy. there are a number of soap free shower gels, such as Oilatum or Aveeno which would be fine. You then need to apply a moisturiser 2 or 3 times a day, again Oilatum or Aveeno cream would be options. Finally when things are at their worst it might be that you need to use a low potency steroid such as 1% hydrocortisone, which is too mild to produce any skin damage.

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