
Why are my eyes always red?

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Well my eyes are red almost 24/7 ranging from not so red to bloodshot. also on the side of my eye (the one closer to my nose), the veins are always inflamed.

I wear contacts, but have now stopped to see if they were the cause but they wernt. when i wear contacts my eyes get really red in about 3-4hrs. I use Proclear contacts for dry eyes (just to see if i have dry eyes) but still my eyes get red. i went to my doctor the other day and got an eye checkup, but all they said was it's "probably" allergies and prescribed patonal; however, these just make my eyes turn red faster when i wear contacts and make my eyes feel really dry.

can someone tell me whats wrong?




  1. I had a similar problem before and after laser surgery to correct myopia (near sighted). I also thought at first that it was alergies to contacts, but laser surgery did not cure it. Just last year I went to a great optometrist who did a thorough exam and after asking many many questions diagnosed me with a fancy name for dry eye condition.  His remedies have changed my eyes!


    After you wake-up:

    Wet closed eyes with small towel inmersed in warm water. Then place two drops of an over the counter dense eye drop (green bottle). Do this several times a day.

    NIght: The same green bottle has an equivalent of the drop, but comes in a gel. Place one small strip of the gel inside each eye and go to bed.  You will wake-up if it is the right diagnosis.

    It is very important to chamge one item that may cause allergies one at a time. I stopped using several make-ups and face moisturisers and finally also observed that  dark circles' concealers  that have a strong smell like real paint made my eyes worse. So check perfumes, face soaps, etc.

  2. Do you get enough sleep during the night?  I've noticed on sleepless nights that my eyes are a lot drier the next day.

    Alternatively, you may be rubbing them to much, which can cause an infection.  It's best to talk to your doctor about a possible infection that might have developed.

  3. yeah possibly you could be allergic to somethin or if you have ur house to a certain temp durin the day the temperature could be causing it

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