
Why are my eyes so bad?

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Along time ago my older cousin had this laser pointer key chain thats pretty strong. Well she left the car and told me not to point it in my eyes. Sooo... as soon as she left i did it for a while cause it felt kool. now my eye sight jus keeps getting worse every year and i have horrible eyesight. Could that be a reason for my bad eyesight?




  1. The laser must have burnt great big holes in your retina. If you do not see an eye doctor IMMEDIATELY, you will soon be blind.

  2. Pointing a laser pointer at your eyes is real stupid thing to do. Even point torchlight is bad. I don't know how much harm it did to your eyes but one thing I know, if you are short-sighted it always get worse as you grow older. Go and see an optician to have your eye-sight tested and if necessary, a new pair of correct glasses or a pair of contact lenses, since as the eye sight grow worse, the thicker the glasses will be. One thing contact lenses don't get thicker as the power goes up! So its very comfortable inside the eyes. I am a contact-lens wearer myself for 20 years

  3. It may just be your eyes changing.

    My vision was pretty good up until around grade 6, and it's gotten worse ever since then. My mom has bad eyes, my dad has perfect vision - figures mine are like my mom's.

    Anyway, my optometrist says I'll be able to get my eyes fixed as soon as my vision is stable for a couple of years. That probably won't be until I'm around 20 because eyes tend to change a lot when you're young. I'm hoping my prescription hasn't changed next time I go in.

    If you're worried, tell your optometrist, but it seems unlikely that this is all a result of that. Your eyes are probably just changing as you're getting older. Eyes tend to get worse as you get older (it's rare for vision to improve), as you've probably noticed. And if you find your vision is really bad, it might be a good idea to get your eyes re-examined and have your prescription updated now instead of waiting for your annual optometrist visit.

  4. I think if the laser was going to do any damage it would have occurred soon after looking into it, not years later. If it did burn your retina, I don't think it would have done the whole retina of both eyes,I would think if the laser was strong enough that there might be localized regions or lines where the retina is messed up. Also, I don't think laser damage would cause nearsightedness (however, it might cause localized damaged areas of the retina).


    I suspect you just have nearsightedness, your vision will probably stabilize once you are about 20 or so. If you had some strange eye disease, the eye doctor would almost certainly have said something about it. Also, if there was significant retinal damage he probably would have seen it during the eye exam. You are highly unlikely to go blind solely from nearsightedness alone, they can just keep fitting you with stronger glasses, however if you have really bad nearsightedness, you can be at increased risk for detached retina.

    As far as why is your vision so bad, are there other people in you faimily (or relatives) with bad vision? There is a strong tendency for it to be hereditary. If everybody else in your family has perfect vision, maybe the babies got mixed up at the hospital the day you were born.

  5. well yeah lasers can blind you depending on how strong they are and other factors. But to be sure you should see a doc or better yet an ophthalmologist. Was not a smart thing to do, you don't play around with your eyes.

  6. yes!

    it very well could be!

    but you probably need to go to the eye doctor!

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