
Why are my fish like tryin to scratch there sides on the bottom

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its like they have a itch or this bad




  1. cause there itchy

  2. Probably a fungus in the water if you have any algae growth of any amount.  There's a water treatment available at your pet shop to cure this.

  3. hurry to a pet store and get a ick medication fast, I just lost 2 9 inch iridescent shark, scratching is stage 1.

  4. No, it's not a bad thing.  Your fish are just being territorial...same as when a dog barks at people.

  5. sometimes it is the start of ich...

  6. When fish are trying to scratch themselves against gravel or decor in the tank, it's called "flashing".  (So named because of the silvery flash you get off of their pale bellies when they do that quick turn to scratch their sides).  Generally flashing is a sign that fish have an internal bacterial infection or they have parasites.  Ich is a parasite.  Take a close look at your fish.  Do they have little white spots on them so that they appear to have been sprinkled with salt?  If the answer is yes, then they have ich.  You can treat this with RidIch, Aquarisol or Clout.

    If not, they probably have an internal bacterial infection.  Is the fish's poo white and stringy?  This is another sign of an internal bacterial infection.  This can be treated with Maracyn or Maracyn II or any other brand of fish medication that uses erythromycin.

    Make sure you treat your fish in a hospital tank as these medications can kill shrimp, scaleless fish and damage the beneficial bacteria in your tank.

  7. It's like saying why do you scratch you scratch because you have a itch they have a itch so they scratch and the only way for them to scratch is at the gravel at the bottem..

  8. It seems like you answered your own question, if you have any concern about their actions, ask someone at a pet store, or check out this web site.

    Common Diseases of Freshwater Fish


    Fish appears darting around, may be scratching against the sides of the tank glass and other objects.

    Visual inspection shows discoloration/whitish opaque film or spots/holes/parasites.


    Fish appears darting around, may be scratching against the sides of the tank glass and other objects.

    Visual inspection shows thick tufts of material covering the body.


    Disease Index and Treatment Chart

    NetPets - The Fish Center - Your Complete Internet Pet Connection For Tropical Fish ... Fish appears darting around, may be scratching against the sides of the tank ... - Cached

  9. The correct term is ick and it sounds like they have it.  Are the exhibiting others signs like their fins looking like that have salt or sugar crystals on them?  Loss of appetite?  You need to treat with copper if they have it or hyposalinity if they are saltwater fish.

  10. Yes thy probably have ich. Purchase ich treatment from your local pet store and follow the directions on the bottle.

  11. Idk. I don't really understand your question.  

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