
Why are my fish staying under the filter?

by  |  earlier

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my fish are staying under the filter ALL DAY!! they come up at eating time. you see, i have 5 fish...4 of which are goldfish. i feed them 3 to 5 times a day, depending on the time i have on my hands. but the rest of the time.. they just stay under the pump. the pump is suction cupped on the glass and has around 3 to 4 inches of space between it and the white gravel i have put in the tank...why are they staying under it? do i need to put up a poster with a picture of leaves and what not around the tank? should i be worried? do i need to feed them less / more? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. they are scared and i hope you have at least a 50 gallon tank

  2. 4 goldfish would need a 50 gallon tank.  They may be hanging out there because there is a water current and it is adding oxygen to the water.  


  3. It could be many things

    1: the filter puts off heat as it runs to filter the water which warms the water right there so they are trying to stay in the warmer water OR

    2: The water coming out right there at the filter is cleaner and its just easier for them to live in the cleaner water

    So either add a heater to your tank or do a water change and remove the amonia and such from their living room

  4. How long have you had these fish?  If they are new, they are just finding a comfortable spot.  Not all goldfish are "active" swimmers especially fancy's.

    How long has the tank been cycled?  Or is it new.  Chances are if it is anew tank and not fully cycled, adding 5 fish to a tank of any size at one time will spike the biofilter.  Have you tested your water to be sure?

    For the most part, if they are showing no signs of out ward disease, or affected by ammonia spikes, they are fine and just getting used to their new home  Especially if they are eating.

    Also, feeding 3 times per day is great.  Smaller amounts more often is better for goldfish than once per day.  They have no stomachs like other fish so they cannot process foods the same.  Smaller amounts more times perday is great.

    PS goldfish don't seek out "heat" source they are cold water fish and the colder the better.  Also, is your filter rated for your tank?  Goldfish like dissolved oxygen.  The filter is what adds this to your tank.

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