
Why are my friends annoying me so much!!?

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I have these two friends who are so predictable evryday going to school or going out i can map out what there going to do.There always shouting at each other then when they get bored turn around and start on me when i did nothing wrong the y critise me say i lie all the time when i dont put me down all the time im really depressed and have to put on a face to stop anyone from worrying its my exam year at school and i really cant focus on anything because i know that day after day after day that its going to be the same and im confused on what to do about it plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Sounds like it's time to find new friends. Actually, it sounds like you need to have a break from all friends (good or bad) & focus on exams. Friends can wait til afterwards. If you know your friends aren't going to change, it's time to make a break. Hopefully, it'll make them take a look at themselves & either learn to grow up, or realize they've lost a valuable friend.

  2. Maybe you shouldn't spend as much time with them. Because the reasong why people fight with family is because they are around them too much. Maybe that is happening to you.

  3. So who's forcing you to hang out with them?

  4. Um quite simply these people are not your 'friends'.  It is difficult when you are young to cut yourself from what I call 'toxic' people.  These are people who are in your life and basically add nothing positive to your life.  Sometimes if they are family you have to put up with it but you do not have to put up with it from supposed friends.

    Have you tried to make new friends - try joining a club or something or talking to other people more.  What you have is not a definition of a healthy friendship.  I feel reluctant to advise you to instantly cut yourself off from them - you could try talking to them.  Also I'm female so I don't have great insight into how male friendship works so other than letting you know that they do not sound like friends to me and advising you to either try to sort the problem out with them or make new friends I can't think of any other advice right now.  Hope this helps a bit.

  5. These aren't friends.  Stop hanging out with them and distance yourself from them.  This amuses them and they know it upsets you.  they may accuse you of being "overly sensitive" but it is they who are immature and childish.

  6. because you have grown up and they havent


  7. well i wouldnt punch them what will that solve?

    Just stop hanging around with these guys youve obviously outgrown them.

  8. get rid of them

  9. aw bro i feel sorry for you hey i'm in my exam year too :)

    i am a girl, and i know we work differently to guys, but we still have annoying arguments. i reckon you should start going school clubs (eg sports, music acting etc) and try and meet some new mates at school. i'm not sure how big your skl is but i am sure there are some ppl out there perfect for you. once you've made some different friends, dont hang out with them ALL the time, but sort of break away from your old friends. focus on your studies. maybe get a girlfriend. just dont be stuck in a rut. then your friends will work out what jerks theyre being and you wil come out smarter and cooler man :) or just have a talk with these noobs, they need some emotional chat time. good luck :) x

    ps: dont worry my answers are always WAY too long oh dear

  10. stay away!

  11. Your growing up and they're still children,you need to focus on whats important in your life and block out all the other distractions,especially it being your exam year,friends will come and go,but your future is a constant in your life.hardly a moment goes by that i don't wish that i had stuck at it,but i was to eager to grow up and start living,don't make the same mistake i did sol,you will regret it.

  12. try to make some new friends

  13. Just talk to them very seriously the next time you do it and make them feel really bad for what they've done. It sounds vicious but it will definitely make them stop. Just like tell them that its really bothering you and that you can't concentrade on studying.

    Gd Luck =]

  14. basically, tell them they are ***** and you don't find their behaviour funny.

    tell them if they don't stop, you will leave them.

    if they treasure your friendship that much, they will stop.

    if they carry on and take no notice, they are obviously not true friends.

    having fake friends is worst than having no friends is it not?

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