
Why are my gerbils squeaking?

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Well, I say mine.

One of my friends has gerbils that she's completely obsessed with, so obsessed that she squeaks all the time like she's trying to be a gerbil. But...are gerbils meant to squeak?

The gerbils are about one, maybe one and a half, and badly treated to say the least. She tries to be nice, but she's not - she picks them up and holds them upside down, pokes them, blows on them and is generally pretty cruel to them. I have a feeling that they're squeaking because they're I right?




  1. I know that she your friend but if she dose not stop contact the ISPCA and see can they do anything for the gerbils!

  2. Gerbils squeak for a number of reasons, because they are scared, nervous or usually because they are very content! So it is pretty hard to tell with Gerbils. In this case however I can be positive that they are squeaking because they are scared.

    Why is your "friend" treating her pets this way? You obviously realise that she is treating them cruelly so why don't you speak up? Looking after Gerbils requires responsibility which she obviously has no idea about.

    I suggest you act now. Speak to your friend and if your not successful, speak to her parents. Try and show them that their daughter is not mature enough to look after another living creature.

  3. yes, it's possible they are squeaking bcuz they are scared. How about instead of just bystanding her being cruel to her gerbils take action, and tell her she treats them badly, then tell her how to properly treat them.

  4. they most likely are. the next time you see your friend tell her that you think that she should treat er gerbils with more respect. they have feelings, they arent just meant to buy and torture by making them play on childrens toys( like littlest petshop toys for example, my sister made my hamster play on that once) and tell her that by torturing those animals can shorten their lives.

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