
Why are my gums white around the extraction site?

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Ok I've been taking good care of my teeth after I had my three molars out... I've only had liquids the first day (nothing hot) and then today, the 2nd day, puddings and a bit of mashed potatoes and stuff, and also gently rinsing with a salt water thing. But now, there isn't so much red bloody clot that I can see.. but it is still flat and filled in where they teeth used to be. However, there seems to be less clot and now it's all white all around the site... is this bad???? I've been doing everything right so far, taking antibiotics and resting and everything!!! Is this something serious?




  1. I had white spots and such around and in my extraction sites, and was told it was scar tissue. If it smells, etc, then call up your dentist to see if you have an infection.

    Edited to add: Don't eat crackers, just stick to the soup..

  2. Are you using anything with hydrogen peroxide in it?  A lot of times, toothpastes or rinses with peroxide can cause your gums to whiten temporarily.  It will cause white splotches.  It is harmless.

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