
Why are my hanging baskets dying?

by Guest62285  |  earlier

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am I over watering them?




  1. Too dry, and not enough feed. Need watering once or twice a day at this time of year. Any breeze and warm weather will dry them out quickly.

  2. Well, you should be able to check just by feeling the soil in them!!! If its very dry....then the plants are dying cos you havent watered them enough....if they're feelong soggy....then you have been watering them too much.....and with the rain youre having in the U.K. at the moment.....I'd guess the plants are just about drowning!!!!

  3. Don't know what your weather is like at the moment but the wind really dries them out.  I am still watering mine every other day and they are looking fine although a bit battered from the wind.  If sunny all day I water early morning and just before it goes dark.

    I also feed them once every two weeks and de-head regularly.

  4. well this all comes down to what kind of plant you have in your hanging baskets.  different plants require different amounts of sunlight, shade, and water.  the size could have something more to do with this as well.  being more specific could've really helped you out here.  good luck with your plants :-)

  5. its almost impossible to over water baskets as they dry out notoriously quickly. if the plants have been there since late spring they could've just reached the end of their season, i've jus yanked out pansies which looked great since march but are now past it. next time i'm going for trailing varigated ivy and mini bulbs to save me more hassle

  6. It depends what you have in them. It is so windy at the moment and there is a lot of rain. The plants just get beaten up in the wind.

  7. either your over or under watering them. or maybe they're in to much or to little sunlight... the possibilities... ask 1 of the garden center people at wal-mart, home depot, or lowes

  8. yes

  9. Depends--how much do you water them?

    Did you use Moisture Control potting soil?

  10. Could be too little sun not enough sun too much water not enough water..

  11. they need watering every day, about a pint or so of water should keep them healthy the only other reason is they are getting too scorched with the sun ( thats a joke if you live in the UK

  12. If your container is one of the plastic types, make sure there is a bottom tray attached.  This retains some of the excess water so that all of the water doesn't just drain out.

  13. Well both over and under watering will have  a deleterious effect on the baskets.     Once a day ,  in the evening  should do   ...  Also no need to water if it has been raining on them  ,,,An other  possibi;ity , only small,  is if they have vine weevil or similar  with little white grubs eating the roots  l

  14. You have to ask yourself a number of questions. Are the plants suitable for the lighting, moisture, temperature? Is direct sunlight burning them? Do they require fertilizer? Is the night time air temp too low? Is the water not penetrating the root system and just running down the side?

    I'd water them by immersing them into a bucket of water until no air will come out. Then let them dry enough to let air around the roots again, but not to the point of the soil being too dry. I would keep them out of the wind, and cold temps, and blazing sun. I would use a light liquid fertilizer. And I would read as much as possible about the particular plants needs.

  15. Well you should water them every 2nd day, not every day. And give it about a week and if they are still dying go to Canadian Tire or Home Depot and go to the plants and garden section and you can get these short thin tubes that are filled with nutrients for the plant to grow better. You just stick them in the soil, the directions are also on the back. I hope my advice helped..... Good Luck! :)

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