
Why are my horses eating bark off from the trees?

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Why are my horses eating bark off from the trees?




  1. It could just be a habit they could of just taken a bite and liked so kept going on. My dog sort of had the same problem instead ate random weeds and bushes that would be my best guess.

  2. could be boredom but most likely a nurient thing. I find horses whom chew on wood are missing parts of their diet. People who cheap out on grain and hay (or proper maintained pasture) will pay the price. I recommend switching grains to see if it helps. In general Southern states feed is reasonable in price and is most complete. It is so concentrated with nutrients that you can reduce the lbs you feed. Also give them a mineral block. Place it right in the center of their feed tub so they are forced to eat it.

    if boredom is the issue try Lik-It treats. Kinda cheap and last a decent amount of time they come in very tasty flavors (take a l**k yourself and you will see) horses will l**k this 'candy' black they is full of vitimans and minerials and if on a string will take forever for the horse to eat as it will move. There is a stationary model as well.

    Also cribbing is dangerous, don't kid yourself. It can cost you more money and horses are more prone to colic, stomahc ulsers, etc. So if this habbit does turn into cribbing correct it immediately! I have fixed your horse's problems with proper diet, exercise, and some minor toys that entertain them for a bit.

    good luck

  3. i think the most basic answer is boredom.  if they are in a stable, people would call it "cribbing" and would have all sorts of advice for you about it, but in plain, common sense terms, i think horses bite the bark off trees because they're bored.  my horses do it now, and the horses my grandpa used 80 years ago to farm with did it, it won't hurt the horses - and won't help the trees!! :)  

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