
Why are my male skier friends so rude somtimes?

by  |  earlier

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i do freestyle and its me and then allll guys. often i find like they treat me like a piece of dirt and its really starting to p**s me off. like i never did anything to them. somtimes when i try talk they ignore me. i know that they are nice guys but why do they have such attitude swings?




  1. Let me guess - they're teenagers, right? Once they mature and get in their twenties they should be fine. Most guys love girls with freestyle moves.

  2. are you sure that these people are really "friends"???  redefine the word and get back to us.

  3. They're g*y.  thats the problem.  not interested.

    Just ignore them and you'll make friends with them faster lol.

  4. Ski better than them & go do some runs by yourself or with other friends.

  5. I ski all the time, just look at my name. Skiing is and always will be a "flashy" sport, and people have HUGE egos. I get teased every time i fall, even from people i don't know. I can't stress the fact anymore: ignorance is bliss.

  6. Don't worry, I have had that happen to me, every year me and five friends go to USA skiing, most of them are male and lots of the female skiers dont go for the skiing. Often I am left on my own with the guys which I dont mind except sometimes they can be so rude to me on the slopes (only on the slopes) They go off and do harder runs then me and leave me own my own, they think they are better than me too! When ever I ask them 'hey guys why did you leave me?'  they will say something like 'you should of caught up' even though they knew they did it on purpose. They have attitude swings on the slopes because they are being competitive with one another its simple as that and they are trying to show off to other girls on the slopes which make me feel like rubbish. So what you do is tell them how you feel and say your really upset. (tear up a little) Then they will never be like that again, or suck up to them say things like 'wow your awesome man at skiing' but if you want to keep your pride do it the first way. Works everytime!

  7. They think they're so much better than everyone else. EGO. Trust me i know how you feel =]  Guys will always be guys.

  8. Hormones are the problem, they are trying to be king of the hill and do not understand that the queen bee rules the hive.  The best solution is to just out ski them.  

      A woman is usually a better technical skier than a man because she does not have muscles to use for bull strength. Technique will overcome sheer strength in the long run. Good luck and if they keep it up, GET NEW FRIENDS that appreciate you.

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