
Why are my neighbors so dumb?

by  |  earlier

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Scenario: It is 90 degrees outside and 75 degrees inside the apartment building. no one has A/C. The logical thing to do is shut all the windows to keep the building relatively cool all day. Instead I see my neighbors throwing open their windows to the hot breeze, and the building temperature is steadily creeping up into the 80s. I've tried talking to them, no use.




  1. Thats funny, from my point of view

    It sucks for you however and its definately frustrating when people dont use common sense.

    I can't tell you why they're dumb because I dont know them but I can offer you some ideas that might explain it

    Dropped as a baby

    Fell as an adult

    Lack of oxygen

    Locked in a hot car as a child



    Ate paint chips

    Sniffs glue

    Inhales spray paint

    some of those may be one in the same, but you get the idea.

    Id tell them that the movie "the happening" was based on a true story and that its best to keep the windows shut so the biological virus cant get in. Who knows they might believe you

    good luck with that though

  2. have you seen if other people in your apartment building are upset about this??? there has to be a landlord or someone you could talk to about either having them talk to them or getting central air put into the building...most apartments i lived in had a wall unit and i would assume it wouldn't be that much to put in...if it were me i would be looking for a new place to live...i don't deal with stupidity and i have a harder time dealing with extreme heat when i know it could be alot cooler...

  3. I see your point... however, they are going to do what they want.  Depending on the kind of people they are... they might open their windows on purpose now just to p**s you off.  Good luck!

  4. Who says that you have the right to dictate their behavior.  Perhaps they like it hot and love to feel the changes that heat brings upon their bodies. I get off on cold temperatures, but some people get off on hot temperatures.  To each their own.  You should mind your own business.

  5. the better question is why does there always have to be one? why cant all the bad neighbors live together?

  6. A lot of people like the fresh air...even if it is hot...

  7. I believe the best course of action would be to write them a letter explaining the situation in great detail, with good logical arguements, signed and dated, and then pour petrol on them and the letter and set fire to them while shouting YOU LIKE THIS HEAT????

  8. Go out and get a skunk. Put it in your building's backyard and when the stink gets to them they will shut their windows. ha

  9. It's their choice; live your life and let them live theirs.

    If they do not want to listen to your sane and reasonable advice, that is their problem.

  10. They either like the heat, as I do; or they might not be able to afford A/C

  11. Maybe they like the heat. That's a possibility. Or another one: They like to annoy other neighbors and don't respect them. They only think about themselves, and not for anyone else. If talking to them one on one didn't work, try to get other of your neighbors who feel the same way and try to talk to them altogether. If that doesn't work, they are certainly ignorant.

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