
Why are my nipples ichy?

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Ahhh. I'm just trying to relax and my nipples won't stop iching!! Does that mean my b***s are growing or something else?! My mom says when she was pregnant her nipples iched alot. Any other reason for ichy nipples?

And we can rule out the fact that I'm dirty. Because I'M NOT!




  1. Dry skin is what Im thinking try some lotion for a few days.

  2. you might just be nervous

    or your skin is dry idk

    it could also be your bra

  3. When your skin stretches it is true that it itches and you can get stretch marks so I would suggest that you put on lotion in the morning and after you take a bath, or try baby oil.  Dry skin could have something to do with it but even if your not you need lotion.

  4. The most common cause of itchy or sensitive nipples is from the rubbing of clothing against the protuberant skin. In my practice I frequently see runners or other athletes because of the constant abrasion of the clothing against the nipples. However one must keep in mind that in very rare cases breast cancer may manifest as one sided itchy nipple.  

  5. dry skin??

  6. i never heard of women's nipples getting itchy just put some aloe cream on them for a week straight and you should be cleared from this itching feeling you can also use bendrayl cream too

  7. can be alot of things...

    - having a reaction to laundry detergent, soaps

    - yeast infection

    - fungal

    Wash your nipples using only plain water.

    Do not use soap, which can be very drying, particularly to sensitive skin.

    Put a vaseline on them at night and only lotions that are unscented.

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