
Why are my ovulation tests coming up nearly positive every day ?

by  |  earlier

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I had a miscarriage and a D&C 3 weeks ago.

Two doctors told me that it was fine if I wanted to TTC straight away, so I am doing so (no lectures please!)

I am trying to pinpoint ovulation using OPKs, but having some problems in that every day for the last week they have looked nearly, but not quite, positive.

This is not normal for me. I have used them before (before I had a miscarriage) and they have only showed a very faint line, or have been positive.

I know that OPKs can detect the hcg hormone and that I could still have some hcg in my system, but I have done some pregnancy tests in the last week as well and they are only showing up a very very faint line. These pregnancy tests are also much more sensitive than the ovulation tests I use so I think it's unlikely that the hcg is causing such a strong line.

Do any of you TTC experts out there have any ideas what might be causing the strong line on the OPK?





  1. It sounds like either you are pregnant again or it is left over hormones.  Call your dr. and have them make sure.

    Maybe it is just leftover hormones.  Not sure, sorry I couldn't help. :(

  2. i personally find it very hard to read the opk lines accurately, hence i use the clear blue digital test which gives a smiley face

    try to use tht and that should be more accurate?

  3. HCG can stay in your system for a little while after you miscarry or have a baby. It could be that. I would ask my doctor, though. By the way good for you! I don't think you should let unfortunate situations get in the way of getting what you want. I'm sorry for your loss. Good luck!!!

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