
Why are my parents being so mean!!?

by Guest65465  |  earlier

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I love ice skating and I would love to ice skate all the time.The problem is that My nearest rink is about 20-30 minutes away from where I live. So I hardly EVER get to go. Its soo not fair as i'd love to go ice skating maybe about 3 times a week and get really good and maybe compete in local competitions. I did think of going on the train as it stops only 10 mins from the ice rink, but my parents won't allow me to because they don't like the area. I'm so upset as I don't think they realise how much it means to me. When I ask them if I can go skating there like no because its so boring for us just sitting there. What can I do to make them realise how serious I am??

Thanks if you answered. xx




  1. tell them that you really love it and want to make a hobby out of it, tell them what you could be missing out on and that you want to start young while you have the chance.. maybe ask a friend to go with you and persuade ur mum n dad to allow that

    hope i helped


  2. Im sorry but your parents are right, your way to young to ride a train and walk ten minutes to a skating rink. My mom won't even let me skate at freestyle alone, because if i fall and get hurt. They love you alot and don't want anything to happen to you. Plus you must think about the money i know my mom pays atleast over $1000 a week to let me skate but in return i have to make good grades and win competions. So in the long run your parents are right! sorry kindo

  3. You don't say how old you are!

    I think You should have a talk with your parents! Sit down with them and talk through why you would want to do ice skating and that you would love to do it so much!

    And plus if you are aged between 11 - 16 then they are protecting you from bad things happening to you if anything goes wrong!

  4. Well...if you could drive, would you be willing to drive them around for 3 hours/week plus sit around while they do their book club or whatever (plus buy their books and bookclub snacks for them)?

    I agree that your parents should support and encourage you to do activities and build skills.  But the amount of time you're asking from them on this seems a bit greedy/inconsiderate on your part, in my opinion, especially if they both have jobs, or if you have siblings.  How about once a week?

  5. Mabey the are not letting you go that far to portect you.

    Mabey that area isnt safe. They dont want you to get hurt.

    If you love ice skating try going with a parent on the weekends

    call it father daughter time or mother daughter time...

  6. Great Question! My name is Jon and I am going into Grade 8. I have been in public school my whole life, and I guess that I know alot about this. Ive struggled with bullying and peer pressure through the past 9 years. So my advice is be your self. Wear what you like to wear. If It makes you feel good then you should be happy. When you go there you will face alot of new challenges. But you need to hang in there. Want to know what I recently did that helps alot! I am going to a new school next year and I decided to try to get a new look, so I did. I look different, feel different and have a better attitude about life.

    Another thing you should really do is write a blog all the time to vent out your feelings, and maybe somebody would enjoy to read your experiences. Thats what I am doing. I suffer from depression and havnt been really having a good time in life general lately, so why dont you also check out my blog. It will help you about going to a new school.

    here is my blog:

  7. I think your parents just love u... My skating rink is 1 hour away!!

  8. there must be a reason why they wont let you go!!

    ps:are you a teen?...erm my parents are like that to but i realise there just doing it to protect me from all the bad things going around in the world!!

  9. If they wont let you go on the train ask them if they could come with you on the train. Tell them that you will make all the arrangements with the train times and just let them take a backseat just to prove that you are capable with going by yourself.

    Hope this helps

  10. once  u shud tell ur mom about evrythin about ur seriousness to ur skating, tell herr ur feelings about skating, but donot tell her when her mood is off, spend some time wiith her, have some time with her, do someting good which she like and then try to convince her, maybe she wud understand that and then tell her to convince ur dad, and check ouut watz the result it. JUST TRY IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. You have to realise that u want to do it 3 times a week, 30 mins each way in the car, thats 3 hours of driving which is therefore alot of fuel, fuel is very expensive these days and your parents may not be able to cope driving u back and forth 3 times a week.

  12. well, in newspapers and things lots of teens are getting shot and stabbed and your parents don't want you to die because they love you..

    why don't you take a mate and their parents with you, and film it and ask them for a copy and give to your parents...soon enough they'll wanna take you 24/7

  13. You don't say how old you are, so it is hard to make a judgement.  They obviously care about your safety though, so must love you very much.

  14. I really feel for you! it must be hard to not be supported!

    I don't know how old you are but if your a young person then i would like to know what your parents alternatives are considering what many young people get up to today! drinking, smoking taking drugs and having meaningless s*x! i think skating is ace!

    Show how responsible you are in other ways, hopefully they will loosen must be allowed to do what you want at some point. don't be afraid to get on a bus or get yourself will make you open minded!

    good luck! x*x

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