
Why are my parents yelling at me all of the time?

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It's only summer when they get like this, and the only thing I do is stay on the computer for long periods of time (because I'm a gamer and a total computer nerd!)




  1. I know what you mean; my parents are the exact same way with me and my brother.

    Maybe its because you don't do anything else beside being on the computer. So you forget about you chores and stuff.

    Or maybe because they think a computer is bad for your eyes.

  2. Maybe because you're under each others' noses all the time? I mean, during term-time you're out during the day at school and whatnot, so now you're home. . . I don't know.

    They're weird ones, these parents. Maybe they're just sadistic? :P

  3. its hard to say really why parents yell. It's a number a reasons why they yell

  4. When us teenagers are always on the computer (like we all are right now) parents think we aren't contributing to the world or helping them out (even though MOST of the time they don't need our help.)

    Also, they're seeing you a lot, unlike during the school year you practically live at the high school. So, when they see you not doing anything because you're not at school and just trying to relax because it's summer, they don't see that. They see you being lazy.

    Another reason your mom might be grumpy is simply because, our mom's baby machines are shutting down. Therefore your dad is grumpy because he's not getting any or is tired of dealing with a hormonal woman.

    Don't worry, once school starts for you summer is over, and no more nagging parent...for the most part. They're still our parents and they get mean and mad sometimes.

    Hope this helped :D

  5. They yell because it is their job.  They are worried about you sitting in front of that computer for long periods, it is unhealthy, and you should be getting some exercise and fresh air everyday.  If you listened a few times and did what they asked they would not yell so much, just try it for a couple of days, it will work wonders.  

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