
Why are my pupils always so large?

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I have huuuuge pupils; they're always very dilated...people comment on them even.

Also my eyes are very sensitive to sunlight, which is why I'm no good at outdoor sports (can't keep my eyes open, really). Could this be related to my pupils?




  1. Maybe, your mather or father is/are vampires or is/are former vampires... so, you're have vampire blood on you...!! That's why you can resist direct sun light to your skin (tough you probably get skin burns easily), but you're sensitive to it (at least your eyes)... Vishi!! You're half vampire! An hybrid!! Maybe, that's why you'd like to have a coffin sleepover... Or maybe you're high from smelling too much nail polish... Anyway, I'll stick to my vampire theory... If I were you I'd ask my parents if they keep a cruxifix, if they say no; then give them one and if they don't accept they are probably vampires... Or you could put holy water on the drinking water... though I wouldn't really recommend that 'cus if they turn out to be vampires you'll kill them...  But, I think I'm onto something, that's probably the reason why you were thinking about the coffin sleepover...

  2. Are you on drugs?

  3. Most definitely. The pupil contracts or dilates to control the amount of light entering. More or less like the f-stop on a camera.

    Since your pupils are so dilated you see a lot more light than if they weren't. I recommend you visit an ophtalmologist (an eye doctor) so he can check why your pupils stay open.

  4. Me freaking too!!!!!!!!!

    My pupils take up more area than the color of my eyes. But they can go small if its bright outside. There is probably 10 minutes of squinting / eye pain outdoors though, then I get used to it.

    I used to get teased in high school, with classmates thinking i was 'high' because of my large pupils!? wtf! Anyway, I like to think than I'm more advanced in some way.

    So i'm not the only one.. *high five*

  5. have u been popping eEeEe's!

    Maybe u have glycoma?

    im a cure for glycoma is crunking!

    headspins and jumping jacks get the blood flowing properly ...

    drink soda with a straw, and never swing cats by thier tails..!

    if problems the simpsons back to back...

    if problem still another question...saying...No really i have big pupils! sarcasm not required!

    ciao ciao!

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