
Why are my religious beliefs being trampled on in Y!A?

by Guest62663  |  earlier

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Someone asked what the serpent in the Bible represents. I replied "God's angry p***s." The answer got reported and removed. Since the Bible is open to each person's interpretation of it, then whose place is it to say my interpretation of it is wrong? Since men wrote the Bible, then this could very well be a symbol for that aspect of God which they used in the telling. If this is what I choose to believe, then I am no more wrong for my stating it than anyone else who has a differing view. I didn't use dirty words, so they can't claim that it was of an adult content, and anyone who has studied Freudian psychology might even agree with my assessment. I even got a few thumbs up before the answer was removed. So where do people get off stepping all over my religious freedom like this?




  1. I'm with you. Why is it ok for the majority to voice their opinions on the bible and then disregard anything someone else says??

    It could be Gods angry p***s lol.

    Fair enough

  2. Stop shoving your religious beliefs down every body's throats and you won't get trashed.

  3. Your question was not removed due to your beliefs.  It was removed due to the subject matter of your answer -- which, if you'll read the TOS (Terms of Service), is restricted because ages 13 and up are on here.

    "Being mean or obscene - Because kids as young as 13 may participate in Yahoo! Answers, sexually explicit and vulgar language and images are not welcome on the site. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs and generally objectionable speech. If you wouldn't say it in public, don't post it on Answers."

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