
Why are my rose bushes not blooming?

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Its summer time here and my rose bushes are producing virtually no buds. I water them consistently. Are they resting because of the heat?... or is there something I'm doing incorrectly? Thanks!




  1. Are they getting enough sun? Roses need full sun and fertilizer.  

  2. No, I do NOT agree.  Roses bloom in the summer.  To bloom, they need fertilizer!  Check at the local X-mart - along with the usual Miracle Grow and Vegetable fertilizers will be Rose fertilizer.  The numbers for  the percent nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium are different for roses than they are for other plants.  Miracle Gro is something like 24-8-16, heavy on the nitrogen.  Rose food will be more like 8-10-8.  Roses like more phosphorous to bloom.  They also need calcium, so bone meal is helpful.  Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) is a simple additive to help them bloom.  Bayer makes a good insecticide/fertilizer that comes in a blue bottle.  To get blooms, roses have to be fed.  To get big blooms, they have to be fed well.  I used to live in Knoxville, TN and had a wonderful rose garden with big, beautiful blooms of all sorts.  I've since moved slightly further north (to the top of a mountain) and can barely get anything to bloom, and then only when I fertilize the heck out of my roses.  There is such a thing as burning the plants with over fertilizing, so you have to be careful, but I was always giving my roses something (epsom salt, bone meal, rose food) and it showed.  Forget your local society, it sounds like they haven't a clue, and get out there and fertilize, fertilize, fertilize!  (go to the local library instead and see if they have any good books on roses.  the one I have is Ortho's All About Roses.  it's fairly simple, yet covers what you need.)  

    Also, you don't mention where you live, but roses like lots of water but don't like to be soggy, so the soil needs sand and it needs to drain well.  It also needs lots of compost and manure.  Roses like rich soil.  They also have to have lots of sun.  With enough sun, you can have roses late into the year.  In Knoxville, I saw them almost to Thanksgiving in a warm year.  In Arizona we had them well into December.  

    Good Luck!

  3. Try putting used coffee grounds and egg shells on or into the soil. Next try to prune the stems back to where they have 5 leaves. They seem to grow better and grow buds at the fifth leaf, with my experiance. Also if the plant is planted, there is a little ball on top of the roots. This little ball needs to be above the soil or ground to have the roses bloom.

  4. I suggest you do fertilize your plants. I've found that using liquid fertilizers that are specifically made to help flowers bloom work wonders.  When your bushes do bloom, it is good to clip off dead flowers, as it encourages even more blooms. Another reason your bush may not be flowering is the age. I've had a rose bush for nearly 14 years, and it slowly stopped flowering, but if your bush is brand new, it may just be premature.

  5. Along with fertilize try some bone meal.  You will need to till it into the soil with a garden tool or hoe.  Then water in .

  6. Burmidea Roses love sunshine but they have to have plenty of water to bloom.  

    Good Luck

  7. That means there is too much negative energy surrounding them.  Try singing or whistling to them - that will make them happy and they will bloom.

  8. Depending on what you fertilize with, you need only fertilize twice a year, spring and autumn (fall), but that is depending on what you fertilize with. An all round pre packaged rose food is best. I would try some sulphate of pottash on them now, this will bring out the flowers on anything. Sorry I'm not sure if it is available unser that name over there, thats what we call it in Australia.

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