
Why are my son's contact lenses falling out?

by  |  earlier

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He's 13, they're gas perm hard lenses (can't have soft) and he's already lost 2 of them in one week. They sometimes move around on his eye too and don't stay over the iris. My older son has had soft lenses for a year with no problem. I don't wear them so I'm hoping some of you who wear them can enlighten me. Thx!




  1. Maybe the basic curve is not suitable for him. In the other word, the lenses fitting is not suiable for the eye shape. Do get the eye check again to determine the base curve

  2. You mention that your son is 13 and can't wear soft lenses. This tells me that he might have some kind of corneal condition that requires him to wear hard lenses.  A perfect solution to this problem would be to ask his eye doctor about SynergEyes hybrid contact lenses.  They're a hard lens / soft lens combination and are perfect for people like your son. They're comfortable like a soft lens but have better optics due to the hard lens part. Also, they are great for people who can't wear standard soft lenses. They make lenses for all types of corneas including irregular corneas that don't tolerate soft lenses. Check out their website:  If your son's doctor doesn't fit SynergEyes lenses, you can find a doctor who does on the SynergEyes doctor locator (on their website.)

  3. THey May Be DRy. HoW LoNG HaS He HaD THeM iN WiTHouT TaKiNG THeM ouT To SoaK THeM iN SoLuTioN.?

    THey aLSo May NoT Be FiTTeD To HiS eye WeLL...

    TaKe HiM BaCK To HiS eye DoCToR && MaKe aN aPoiNTMeNT To FiND ouT WHaTSz GoiNG oN...CuZ iF iTSz SoMeTHiNG WRoNG...He CouLD SeRiouSLy DaMaGe HiSz eye.!

  4. I wear hard contacts and I had a horrible time with my first ones.  It is because the hard ones have to be fitted perfectly and they must also be routinely checked because the eyes are always changing.  The contacts have to sit on the eye perfectly and the edges must be smooth or else even a blink can pop them out.  Hopefully he can get them fitted properly.

  5. Maybe they are the wrong size contract for his eye?

  6. May be that type of lenses are not suitable for his eyes that's why he has facing difficulties to wear them. take him to the doctor. Only the doctor could tell you the right reason.

  7. Not enough glue?  Just kidding, I have no idea why.  Ask his eye doctor.

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