
Why are my speakers cutting out?

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I have a fairly cheap 5.1 channel surround sound system hooked up to my xbox 360 with the digital 5.1 optical cable. I've been using them for a few years, so it's probably time to get some new ones anyway, but I've been having this problem lately... Whenever there's a loud sound the front left and right speakers cut out and the sound comes back when it isn't loud anymore. Now I have two speakers hooked up to the front left and right speaker channels, and the ones I added are a lot bigger then the small ones that came with the system. I figure I made the amplifier work too hard and now it's blown or something. I've tried different speakers. I even took the big speakers out and that helped a little, but the right one still cuts out. Is this a problem I can fix, or do I need to spend more money to get new ones? Because I don't want to have to deal with this.




  1. You are working the electronics too hard. You are lucky to have a system that has a thermal shutdown to stop you from destroying your gear. Basically, your amplifier section of your surround sound system gets hot from driving 2 speakers per channel. I would wager and say the speakers are rated at 8 ohms each. When you hook 2 pairs up in parallel, you lower the rating to 4 ohms,  making the electronics work at their maximum or over the maximum capabilities. This causes them to temporarily shut down. When they return to normal operating temp., they work again...... If you continue to use them the way you have them setup, YOU WILL DESTROY the components in your system. If you like having as many speakers as you have, try hooking then up in series. This will lighten the load on your system.

    Yes. It is probably damaged. It is fixable, but with the cost of replacement parts and labor, it is likely cheaper to buy a new unit or a used one. Good Luck!!

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