
Why are my tomato ripe outside but green inside

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I have several tomato plants that are ripe on the outside and look really good but when I cut into them there are green spots (not ripe) on the inside. I did have a few at the beginning that were great but the ones left that are taking awhile to ripe are all like this any reasons ? What did I do wrong? I also have some that are really big but still green and they are way past time to pick but not ripe.




  1. What kind are they ,some are like that. Dont worry about the others , you can pick them green and put them in a window , they'll turn.

  2. pick them and leave them in the sun, they aren't fully vine ripened yet.

  3. leave them on the bush longer, they havent fully ripend, if you have already picked them leave them out in sunlight

  4. Are you leaving them on the bush long enough? Perhaps you need to leave them a bit longer and to check for a bit softer which should be an indication of ripeness. Even if you are picking early to avoid bird damage or whatever if you leave them in a bowl on you kitchen bench to ripen a bit more - that may solve your problem. Just dont put them straight into the fridge . I have successfully ripened tomatoes in a bowl many times from green

    If you have to pick before the season ends and have them green and there are always some which will be either very slow to ripen or not ripen at all - they are fine to use in cooking - some parts of the world make a green fried tomatoes which I am told are very nice or you can use them to make a nice mustard pickle

    Happy eating  

  5. There are many different kinds of tomatoes - may be they are supposed to be like this.

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