
Why are my trial contacts a bit gloomy?

by  |  earlier

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I recently got trial contacts, and when wearing them sometimes they are a bit hazy/gloomy in my peripheral vision, is this normal?

Thank you!




  1. u gotta get used to wearin them if they dont improve go back and get the right kind .

  2. This is the reason they are called 'trial' pairs.

    It doesn't sound like the best fit for you.  I'd go back and ask to try another brand.  Different types work best for different people.  I fought one brand for a week and went in complaining, and the second brand was a good fit.

    Also, make sure you are using eye drops.  Adjusting to contacts is hard on the eyes and that might also be a contributing factor.  But more than likely, you can get a better fit with another brand.

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