
Why are my turtles fighting?

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i have two red ear sliders a male(5inches) and female(9in) they been together for 4years with out a problem and now 4 the past week the female turtle keeps trying to bite the male turtle and i don't understand y.




  1. why dont you ask them?

  2. maybe shes tired of him.

  3. The tank is to small. I have 2 sliders that are 36 yrs old and at about 25 yrs old they started fighting in their 60 gal tank. The one being chased was freakin. I bought a kids wadding pool and put a 12x12x1" cement slab in with 2 smaller cement bricks holding it up so they could sleep under it to feel safe, cause they sleep at the bottom of rivers and streams  and in ponds and tanks. Tostay away from predators like Owls and possums,racoons and coyotes  etc.who will dine on them.

    I dropped about 75 feeders in the kiddy pool ( with some amquel so the fish don't die and they are good to go for 2 weeks and then ya clean it out and start all over. I had made a make shift t-pee out of chicken wire so they were safe from all birds of prey. Till I got a pond.

  4. Females can reach sexual maturity at different ages, they get aggressive when they are ready to lay eggs...

  5. They are having creative differences on how to re-arrange the living room?


    Anyway, sometimes it just happens. Maybe if you separate them for a while and then put them back together the problem will resolve itself. It's just nature to get annoyed with something every once in a while.

  6. turtles get agressive around mating season.  your male is most likely being too persistant and your female is not liking it.  this should fix itself but just keep an eye on them just to make sure.

  7. Maybe he's pissing her off & she gets annoyed.  Or maybe he just didnt know how to "propose" to her correctly (no wedding ring??)?  Animals have feelings too, you know.

  8. cause they are cousins of the ninja turtles!

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