
Why are nations territorial hungry?

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nations and empires have been powerful and territorially expanding.India herself annexed Goa & Hyderabad in order to form a union out of 512 states.Why cant this union grow to solidarity because globalisation has many a loop holes.Also resources necessary will be easily available for exploitation.Also size of a nation matters.




  1. You mentioning about Goa being annexed to India is not appropriate. God went to the Portuguese from us and we took back what was legitimately ours. The Indians were less expansionists. Others took over other territories for reasons of commerce or religion or mere self aggrandisement.

  2. Your questions need some work in terms of fleshing them out.  You really should make sure people reading this understand them, they're hard for me to get.  I believe your first question in the bunch is that globalization creates a global market that can be mainly controlled by one nation, so why should nations strive to conquer others militarily when this is possible?  The idea is that many of the nations tend to disagree with the economic advantage being given to one nation, and besides that that is not the only factor nations consider.  Any nation that's been agressive to them in the past becomes a possible target to "prevent attacks."  There are plenty of other reasons as well, including getting items that the country might not normally sell or trade.  The second question, or comment, is that more resources equals more exploitation, at least as far as I can tell.  That's why countries that become empires tend to split leadership into different sectors, which rarely works (so it's not that great), but it makes it more possible to handle these issues.  Lastly, the size of a nation does matter, but nations hardly tend to think to that extent when they're creating an empire.  The British empire spread itself very thin but continued to grow, just couldn't stay alive.  The Mongolian empire was huge and contiguous, yet the splitting of the empire allowed some measure of control, even if some areas of the empires couldn't remain under their control.  That's the answers to the questions I could figure out, though I may have them wrong.

  3. For natural resources.

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